Noob question

Sorry, this isn't really a natural place for this topic, but it seems like this is one of the liveliest boards currently discussing this case, so I'll post here.
Why is JMB considered officially cleared? I feel like I'm pretty knowledgeable about this case, but I missed this development


He was cleared because he had an airtight alibi. There are countless witnesses claiming to be with him during the time of the murders, also he was searching with others through the night.


What, no?! So nothing new from the time people openly having him as their # 1 suspect, but now that he joined the supporters so his alibi became airtight all of a sudden?! Are you serious?!
Also, what about this post, is it leaving out big parts of his alibi


His alibi wasn't airtight. He was completely unaccounted for from 8:15 to 9:30. He said he was searching the woods with Ryan and his friend at the time but that isn't true. He wasn't with them when they heard the splashes in the creek and they've said in interviews that he was not with them during their search, yet he claimed he was. From the time they reported Chris missing at home and Mrs. Moore walked over to talk to the officer, he claimed to go searching right after with Ryan and was next seen after 9:30 coming out of the woods without a flashlight by an officer. We know he wasn't with his son like he claimed as every book mentions them hearing those splashes yet John was not with them at the time. He could have meant he and Ryan were searching the woods at the same TIME I suppose, as opposed to actually being physically present with them. But that's not what he made it sound like. 8:15-9:30ish is quite a large gap for an airtight alibi.


Are you sure? I thought he was linked to witnesses the entire night. Guess I must have been mistaken.


So the supporter movement pointed their finger at JMB for years despite a rock hard alibi, but befriended him once Mr. Hobbs became their guy?
This case is crazy. So much info to absorb.
There's a freaking Damien is hot thread on the front page. Case has everything


JMB also claimed that his son never stayed out late, but his then wife Melissa said that he had a few times before, so what was he so worried about? He said that when Chris came home from school, he whipped him with a belt a few times, and told him to be in the car port when he returned. Of course Chris blatantly disobeyed him. I could see him going to the woods in a rage, finding Chris, and things escalating. I'm not entirely convinced at all that JMB is innocent. Its also curious that his son was found naked in the water, something that FBI profiler John Douglas said, was done to humiliate him, and when Melissa died under suspicious circumstances, she was laying on her back on the bed, completely naked. he didn't even bother covering her up. Perhaps an element of humiliation too.
