Psychological profile of Micheal 'Damien' Echols.
The West Memphis three defense team would have us believe, Damien Echols was simply a misunderstood teenager scapegoated by overzealous police officers. This myth is constantly being propagated by articles in the media and by celebrities such as Johnny Depp and Henry Rollins. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The West Memphis police department turned its eye on Echols, because he was implicated in Misskelleys confession. Damien Echols turned out to be a very disturbed individual, with accounts of arseny, sexual misconduct and theft on his name. The case file, ''Medical Records - Exhibit 500'', which was brought in by the defense, illustrates the psychological state of Micheal 'Damien' Echols.
I shall illustrate my case with some excerpts from case file exhibit 500, which was mysteriously ommitted from West Of Memphis. I've included page numbers so anyone who wants to read it for himself can simply google callahan exhibit 500.
'Damien is in need of counseling because he thinks he is smarter than anyone else. He has little regard for others and their main purpose is to use and bring harm to others around them.' page 007
'reports periods of self mutilation and history of drug abuse' page 008
'hospilations associated with thoughts of killing himself and others' page 008
'Parents expressed concern that he was still involved in satanism. Felt family members were in danger'. page 008
'information from detention centre - Damien and girlfriend to have baby and sacrifice it. Damien denies this. Alledged to have chased a child with an ax and attempted to set a house on fire. Damien denies this.' page 009
'sucked blood from arm of boy. Rubbed blood on his own face. ... threatened to kill father' page 009
'Diagnosis - Conduct Disorder' page 039.
'sometimes he just blows up. relates that when this happens the only solution is to hurt someone' page 050.
'has had three psychiatric evaluations. Each has been associated with anger, thoughts of killing himself or others'. page 051.
'Damien explained that he gains his power by drinking blood of others. He typically drinks blood from a sexual partner or of a ruling partner. states it makes me feel like a God. page 052.
'reports conversations with spirits and demons. This is achieved through rituals.' page 053.
'Damien was placed in the Detention Center. While at the Detention Center he reportedly grabbed a peer and began sucking blood from the peers neck.Staff reports that Damien was not remorsefol for this behaviour.' page 082.
'He is not depressed and his efforts at self harm may be seen as manipulation to escape responsibility for a wide variety of behaviours that may have gotten him in trouble with the law.' page 103.
'patient denies homicidal ideation, however in talking with family members they have made it clear that he had thoughts of harming other people, ie. was going to cut the throat of his mother' page 104.
...will continue reading the rest of exhibit 500 later..