How am I being a jerk? Just from what I've observed on this board, and the PL boards, anyone that brings up something from the movie is ridiculed and insulted. Someone brings up animal predation, or Terry Hobbs, its a barrage of insults about Johnny Depp this, and HBO that. I guess the purpose of that is to make people not want to come on here? Scott Ellington is not familiar with the case??? *beep* I can guarantee you he knows the case inside and out better than anyone else. He was already practicing law when the first trial happened, and it remains the most infamous murder in Arkansas history, not for one micro second do I believe that claim from him, For one thing, how can he say they are guilty, and then say he is not familiar with the case? He is obviously trying to save face by saying that. But lets say that it somehow was true, Why didn't he then just familiarize himself with it, and then go to trial, like the defense wanted? Time was on the prosecutions side, not the Defense's side. He had all the time in the world to learn the whole case, so why didn't he? You are telling me that rather than do that, he chose to release 3 child killers from jail? So they could kill again someday? Come on, even you can't believe that. Here is another quote from Scott Ellington, from early this year
"I had five jury trials in a six month period of time," Ellington said. "My willingness to go to trial, even on the hard cases, is what led to me being appointed as a full time deputy prosecuting attorney in September 2007. My approach as prosecutor has been the same: we evaluate our docket on a case by case basis; when a case needs to go to trial, we take it to trial; I would rather try a close case and lose rather than to walk away from it."
For a man with that kind of mindset, to back down on retrying the WM3, tells you that he knew the original convictions were BS, and that he had no chance of winning a retrial.