James Kenny Martin Sr.

Okay. Here is the thing.

My father was implemented in the murders. I just learned that this documentary mentions his implications and his status as an initial suspect. I do not have access to view the documentary at this time (though I have seen all of the Paradise Lost docs). Can someone please inform what facts the documentary presents about my father and his implications in the murder?

(I have disowned him, I have no contact with him, and have actually changed my name because I was named after him. He confided in my younger brother that he did kill the boys, but my brother has since committed suicide in 2004. According to my sister, James is currently dying in some hospital in Kentucky. I say good riddance.)

Any information is greatly appreciated.


He was questioned because he lived in Marion, which is adjoined to West Memphis (where this crime occurred) and had a past as a sexual offender. The police questioned a lot of sexual offenders in the area, so he wouldn't have been the only one considering this crime had sexual connotations to it. They questioned many people before they arrested Jessie Misskelley a month later. From what I remember, your father was cleared as a suspect and stated he had work that night and left for the 10pm to 6am shift. The murders occurred well before 10pm, and he had an alibi up until then in the form of his friend Darlene.


Did they mention all of that in the film, and did they provide any other information in the film?

It seems that there was no new information that I didn't already know, so that is good.

His alibi changed many times, and Darlene (his wife at the time, who also covered up the sexual abuse of her two daughters perpetrated by my father) was only briefly interviewed.

Many of the details are contained in this site:



LOL @ citing jivepuppi as a legit source...

Anyway, WoM is NOT a documentary - it's a "docudrama." It distorts, and misconstrues facts... They have tried to point the finger, and present evidence against everybody except the real three who committed the murders... Next, they'll be trying to accuse some poor, old homeless black gentleman in the area as "Mr. Bojangles."

The juries got it right the first time - the truth came out at the trials.. Go to callahans to see all the facts, and evidence.

Damien had no alibi, and the fact he continues to say "I was on the phone with four girls," actually buttresses the prosecution's argument of having no alibi. LOL, the girls could not account for him from 6 to almost 10...

Jason didn't even attempt to present an alibi...

ANd Jessie's "wrasslin'" alibi was destroyed on the stand.. The WoM docudrama conveniently tries to show a "receipt" that proves he was there (but the fail to mention the receipt presented by Jessie's team was actually dated a week prior to the murders)...


I have been to the Callahan website. Many times. It is actually how I initially learned of my father's implication in the case. Because, he was not sought out by police, he OFFERED himself as an "expert in the criminal mind." I could tell you all of the crimes that my father has committed, from burglary, molestation (namely my older brother and sister, plus Darlene's children while Darlene protected him), rape (he raped my mother mere days after I was born), grand theft auto, kidnapping (that is right, he kidnapped my younger brother and I), to many other crimes. His psychopathy is beyond treatment, evidenced by the psychiatric opinion contained within the Callahan files. Knowing this, it takes no stretch of the imagination that James would murder children. In fact, he coyly hypothesizes how it would happen and how he would do it! His interview was like a sick game with the police!

I didn't "cite" the jivepuppi source as a "legitimate source" like I am writing an academic research article for a college class. That site just manages to take ALL of the evidence presented against my father and mold it into a cohesive narrative, instead of forcing people to scour through over 200 pages of evidence filed against James Kenny Martin Sr.


Well, just like your father's extensive mental health record, if you have studied Callahan, you'd have seen "Exhibit 500" which shows Damien's extensive, highly disturbing mental health record... Not to mention the fact he stomped a poor old great dane to death (magnificent beasts, those dogs are! true gentle giants!) And his mother's own words about being scared for her, and other kids in the house, safety when Damien was around...

So, contrary to the belief of him being targeted because "he wore black and liked Metallica," he was NOT just a weird teen who stood out against the backdrop of the area...

Oh yes, nobody confessed and randomly named your father either, etc., etc...

I am sorry for your father being so mentally ill, and doing all the things he's done... it must be hard - but it appears you turned out to be intelligent, and were able to separate yourself for him and his influence.


Also, I find it very interesting that individuals who follow this film have only been members of IMDB for less than two weeks. That is a little odd, since IMDb has been around since 1990. Did you people join JUST to grind your axe against this film? Damien Echols, Jesse Miskelley, and Jason Baldwin are obviously innocent. There was major prosecutorial and judicial misconduct implemented in this case. I am so thankful that they are free men today, and find it horrific that they were incarcerated for 18 years.


I have to disagree with ya here. The juries didn't get it right the first time, even the parents of the victims know this. You apparently haven't researched the whole story very completely. Study the topic before you speak as if you are informed.


The murders occurred well before 10pm

You can't say that; there is no reliable time of death. The ME's estimate was between 1AM and 5AM on the morning of May 6, but no one took liver temps or collected carrion insect samples to help determine an accurate postmortem interval.

It's that kind of idiocy that I empathize with. ~David Bowie


You know it is so odd to read your post, because last week while looking through the Callahan site, I read up on your father, including the whole interview with the police, which was a kind of cat and mouse game. The one thing that really struck me was that he said one person could've done the crime, that it was commited somewhere else, and most surprising to me, he actually said that he thought Terry Hobbs was behind the murders, this was way back on May 18th, 1993


Yeah, it was quite a trip. Why would he even volunteer? Did he know that they would eventually question him given his sexual offender status, so he thought he could preempt and throw the police off, convincing him that he was not a suspect? Might have worked.

Like I said, before my brother passed away, he told me James confessed to killing the boys. Long story short, my brother went to live with him in Mississippi at the time (we had lived in Colorado), and returned to Colorado because he no longer felt comfortable around James. I told my brother what I had found on the Callahan website, and my brother said he already knew. He said that James was "annoyed" that they didn't approach him to be in the documentary (Paradise Lost), and that he was involved in the murders. There are three explanations for this: 1) My father killed the boys. 2) My father claimed to have killed the boys to "impress" my brother. OR 3) My brother just fabricated the information. I am under the impression that it is either the first or second explanation. The second explanation would also explain him inserting himself into the case.

Either way, my father is a complete monster.


This is weird because none of the media i have seen even mentioned him that i'm aware of.


Did he give your brother any kind of details about how it went down? or why? You said he is still alive and living in Kentucky? Do you know which part?


I don't think so. I think James was just "proud" to have been involved.

He DID however give the police a detailed interview of how he "thought" this could go down.

James used to pop up on all sorts of forums and the like. At www.wm3.org, they said that they have blocked only ONE user in the 20 years the site has been around, and that user was my father. He harassed people on the website.

I don't keep in touch with him. Like I said, he is in a VA hospital or something. When he isn't there, he is homeless. You could probably find his exact location through the sex offender registry.


He would harass them? Do you know what kind of stuff he would say? That description he gave of how the murder could've gone down, was pretty eerie, I also found it odd that he said Stevie Branch's dad was the killer. I am not a big believer in Polygraph tests, but for what it's worth, he did show deception on some of the questions.


I would have to find the post, and it would take A LOT of digging. Suffice it to say, that he has been banned for life from a few WM3 message boards. Supposedly, he would harass members, stalk members, etc. Board members during the time were growing increasingly uncomfortable with his presence. One of the Admins in response to a member who said they had been blocked said the ONLY member they had ever blocked was James.


One more thing, have you ever contacted anyone associated with the WM3 defense team, to tell them about what he told your brother?


I have, actually. So has my older sister. My sister provided a hair sample for DNA testing since James refused.

Due to hearsay and my brother's death, that confession is not admissible as evidence. If my brother was still alive, it might not even be admissible.



I am fascinated by your information. If JKM molested you, that would not be hearsay. The confession to your brother (now deceased) might seem to be hearsay, but IIRC, when a death is involved, there is an exception to the hearsay rule. At any rate, I hope that the truth in this case finally comes out. I believe that TH is the killer, but I would not be surprised to learn of your father's involvement, too. His statements to the wmpd are eerie to say the least! The latest movie about the case (and this one is pure Hollywood, although it is primarily factual, is "Devil's Knot" which is set to open on May 9, 2014. I was able to see it on DirecTV pay-per-view. It doesn't mention your father but instead brings up Christopher Morgan. Thank you again for contributing! I wish you well and hope and pray that your past abuse is behind you now and that you are living a completely happy life.

ETA: I don't want to insult you because you have stated that you have read extensively on Callahan's. However, are you aware of the Billy Stewart and Bennie Guy statements in which Buddy Lucas, LG Hollingsworth and David Jacoby are implicated along with Terry Hobbs? Here's are links:

http://callahan.8k.com/pdf/b_guy_affidavit.pdf Guy

http://callahan.8k.com/pdf/b_stewart_affidavit.pdf Stewart


The exception for hearsay to become admissible evidence is along the lines of "deathbed confessional," in that, the person's statement must be uttered as death approaches. But that exception has been ruled out:

"dying declarations and other statements under belief of impending death: often depicted in movies; the police officer asks the person on his deathbed, "Who attacked you?" and the victim replies, "The butler did it." In reality, case law has ruled out this exception in criminal law, because the witness should always be cross examined in court."

I was not molested by my father. My older brother and sister were. So were Darlene's daughters. I was however kidnapped along with my brother by James.

I had not read those documents. Thank you for providing them.


Sorry I misunderstood. Kidnapping is still a felony, though. However, if he's dying, I guess it's all moot now. And you're welcome. I've been following this case since I first saw the first documentary on HBO. I just want closure as I'm sure the families do.


I want to post this so people could read the interview this guy did with the WMPD. Keep in mind that it's not unusual for some killers to contact the police to fish for information, to see what the police know. This guy does that in this interview. Is he just a sick *beep* telling the cops what he think happened? Or is he on the ultimate sociopathic power trip telling the cops what happened exactly, and rubbing it in their faces?



I have thought that since the first time I read the interview on the callahan site over 10 years ago. My father is a psycho/sociopath. By everything he has done, and his lack of remorse for what he has done, it is no stretch to diagnose him with Anti-Social Personality Disorder.

In my opinion, he is a sick *beep* telling the cops what he did just to laugh about how he fooled them later.




Well, First off.... I am ALIVE and WELL...... Thank You..... and I have a VERY GOOD MEMORY even from the day you and your brother was born..... as the song goes I Remember Everything! I have had my issues with "DEATH" as a matter of fact.... WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE SOMEDAY! Just NOT TODAY!

Let me see if I can "clear up" some things. Yes you have disowned me, thats your choice, Yes you changed your name (I never really understood, why you didn't take the last name "Dent" from your mothers madien name) I never "Confided" to your brother Herbert (Herbie) Elmer Martin that I killed those three innocent boys, Micheal, Stevie, and Christopher. The REAL killers took their "Alford Plea" and they knew they were GUILTY.

You stated in other post that I "Kidnapped" you and your brother.... When was this? The night I took Roger and his GF home, and your Mother changed her mind of "ALLOWING ME" to get you and your brother and take you to Mississippi with me? (OH YES! Lets not forget Larry Hart who was the MASTERMIND of that and he got so ANGRY with your mother for changing her mind that he came to visit me in Parkview Hospital and helped me get back to Mississippi after your mother took my money) * Thank You Larry *

Yes, Your brother came to live with me in Mississippi (with Amy) after what? He tried to kill himself in front of the house! You were there! Then he moved back to Colorado because of AMY not ME! He called me the night before he died, to ask if he and his GF could come back to live with me.. (Where exactly WERE YOU AT?) He hung himself in a basement, where his mother would find him... WHY??? Was it over ME?? I wasn't THERE! I know what the police and others told me *away from your mother's ears* (That has to be the hardest thing for a parent to go through, not once, not twice, but three times.....) May your mother RIP now!

Say all that you want, make up stories, I can dispute any and all of them..... Last I check, I have NO WARRANTS for my arrest and I am living in Johnson City, TN (Ask your brother Roger Dale Berry, Jr. he use to live here) You say I did this and that.... hmmmmm...... Those are FELONY CHARGES, I surely want my day in court! The best that anyone could do is commit me to "Civil Commitment" if they dare! Oh Remember... I met your Mommy in a Mental Hospital (Central State in Petersburg, VA)

Back to the WEST MEMPHIS THREE..... Where were you May 5th 1993? Oh yes in Pueblo, Colorado with your Mommy and Larry. Since I DID live in West Memphis at the time, I know one sure thing... Damien, Jason and Jessie KILLED three little 8yr old boys.... If they were "Innocent" they would have fought to the DEATH to prove they had nothing to do with it, but they took an ALFORD PLEA... How STUPID is that! I may have a criminal record as long as the eyes can see, but I'm not THAT RETARDED (Like Jessie claims) to plea bargain when I know I am 100% innocent... Even I fight the court (I may win or lose, but I will PROVE MY CASE) so, I had NOTHING to do with the killings of those boys..PERIOD! Yes, I told the police that Stevie Branch's step-father (Terry Hobbs) was the one they should look at.. (only because - You always suspect a family member first in these types of cases - ) After Jessie's (three time) confession I have to say without a shadow of doubt (Career Criminal Mind) that they killed them like he confessed to it.

You stated in a post that YOUR oldest sister gave a hair sample (DNA) I'm a little confused here... Your Oldest sister is Racheal Melinda Berry, and she doesn't have MY DNA... Now your next oldest Sister does, but why would she need to give a hair sample? The West Memphis Police took my DNA the day they picked me up, I didn't REFUSE, I just told them I am NOT saying or DOING anything until MY WIFE (Darlene) was present. Which they called her to attend the DNA sample and questions, I was let go and went with Darlene to Barbara's house to pick up the girls and tell her what the police said. I have also given my DNA That YOU HAVE to other police stations...

I could go on and on.... why beat a dead horse... Damien, Jason and Jessie pleaded guilty and those who want them exonerated will go to any lengths to prove their innocent... I applaud them... Hooray! Hooray! Only six people knows who killed those three boys, Three of them are never gonna speak (unless from the gave) and one CONFESSED and the other two are..... Writing books and making movies (REALLY!!!) If it was me and I was on the "outside" I would be pushing for proof of my innocent (Oh yeah! thats right the ALFORD PLEA allows them to CLAIM their innocent, not fully PROVE IT!)

I'll take this time to say to you, I AM SORRY! I am sorry for all the hurt I have caused you. All the pain that you face each and every day, I remember everything.... The day you were born, the day I took you to see the ear doctor, the times you would climb on top of the car and sit and pretend you were driving, and most of all I remember YOU! I can not change the past, it is history, I can not make up for days gone by that we did not share together. I can say I am sorry! I am sorry for the loss of your Mother & Brother, of all the times you spent in foster care, and I hope and pray that you still have a connection with Teresa. Both you and her have a MONSTER for a dead-beat dad, and that monster knows you both disown me, and that will always be my pain forever..... Carry on my wayward son, There'll be peace when you are done, Lay your weary head to rest, Don't you cry no more............


What the actual "F" was that about....

