MovieChat Forums > Stitches (2012) Discussion > I was REALLY surprised by how great this...

I was REALLY surprised by how great this film was.

I was not expecting a good movie at all.

Instead, I got a GREAT one. I thought it was very funny, very clever, fast paced, and had some of the most creative and unique death scenes I've ever seen in a horror film. I laughed through the entire thing.

I could watch it again.


I absolutely agree with you! I was glad I spent the money to get the BluRay!Having a fear of clowns as I do, it was very impressive and scary!


Loved it as well!


I liked it a lot :) Fun, 80s slasher throwback with good characters (Vinny <333) and some AMAZING kills. And I agree, the pacing was very good.

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


Exactly what I thought, very 80's feeling. The way he moved was both funny and disturbing. Very fun :)
More horrors like this would be most welcome in my book.

"Never bite into an apple without knowing what lies within..."


the villain in this is fully realized, very original, and professional. usually in slasher movies the villain is predictable, generic, and boring, not quality. but this villain deserves a series. they need to make at least 3 more films. a slasher icon has been born!


I liked this as well.


I agree it was very self aware but not to the point of being pretentious and the cinematography was surprisingly creative. Not to mention Ross Noble being fricking hilarious.

I don't remember asking you a goddamn thing!


i can't give it praise enough for the kill scenes. the ideas behind these scenes are ground breaking. how does someone think of these things? and they are complex, the ideas go on for a long time. there are no simple kill scenes in this film. and they look so magical. maybe even better than the kill scenes in the nightmare on elm street films.
