If you knew that a certain movie was going to be awarded an Oscar next Feb., would you go see it? If you would then you need to see “Rodriguez”. An amazing unbelievable story about an incredible man, you will walk out stunned. A Story right out of Greek mythology.
"He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither."
Rather than Greek mythology, director Malik Bendjelloul told The New Yorker and CBS's 60 Minutes that his story was like a classic Fairy Tale. I haven't seen the movie yet but I've seen several news reports, including the excellent 60 Minutes piece, and I agree about being stunned. What an incredible man. Rodriguez is the epitome of someone at peace with himself and his circumstances. There seems to be no bitterness at all. And his poetic eloquence is still very evident today in interviews.
'Rodriguez' not 'Rodriquez'. Normally, I wouldn't bother correcting you, but in the film, his daughter seemed a bit peeved that his name was misspelled (in exactly the same way as you did) in the newspaper that announced the results for the election he ran in. Please give the guy some respect; he certainly deserves it after all these years.
And, btw, the movie is called, "Searching for Sugar Man', not 'Rodriguez'.
"The novel has been reborn about 400 times, but it's like cinema is stuck in the birth canal."
It used to be we thought that people who went around correcting other people’s grammar were just plain annoying. Now there’s evidence they are actually ill, suffering from a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder/oppositional defiant disorder (OCD/ODD). Researchers are calling it Grammatical Pedantry Syndrome, or GPS.....
Malevich and Lo found, paradoxically, that compulsive correctors of other people’s grammar had smaller Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas, or their brain language centers exhibited reduced activity when shown grammatical errors, compared with a control group having a more relaxed attitude toward language correctness (see image above). In contrast, nonpurists, lacking FOXP2.1, showed increased activity in those same cerebro-cortical regions, and a significant number of control-group participants showed particularly strong fMRI evidence of language activity when texting. “We expected just the opposite,” Malevich told reporters at last month’s annual Symposium on Syntactic Therapy in Toronto. “After all, texting is usually seen as signaling decreased morphosyntactic competence. We don’t know what this data means.” And then he added, “or is it, what these data mean?”
According to Malevich, identification of an underlying physiological basis for this alienating disorder could eventually lead to curative stem-cell treatment plus, in the near term, the development of pharmacological palliatives. There’s even a push to add GPS to the DSM-5, the latest edition of the standard catalogue of psychological disorders, scheduled for publication in 2013.
Sounds like you're the one with the problem. Whew! All I'm saying is if this were you or your loved one, wouldn't you want you or them to be represented properly, at the very least, have your/their name spelled correctly? Even his daughter felt it was a big enough deal to bring it up. It's not that difficult, and it doesn't require looking sh** up in your DSM (and by the way, what are you doing with one of those?).
Grow up and just correct yourself. One letter, as opposed to writing a novel about my supposed 'disorder'. Or if that's too difficult, at least be thorough and send the above sissyfit to Rodriguez' daughter too. Oh and don't forget about all the English teachers out there slaving away for no good reason. It may be up to you to save the children from all those grammar psychos. I believe in you. You are our only hope, Bulletproof!
"The novel has been reborn about 400 times, but it's like cinema is stuck in the birth canal."
Wow, you really went off the deep end. Now if you feel that you've righted all the wrongs in the world, would you be interested in adding something productive to the topic here? I have faith in you.
Edit: I corrected the spelling of his name. I do hope this helps you feel better.
"He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither."