Please, what WAS the point of this movie?
some people on here keep responding to any form of criticism by saying "that was never the point of the movie!". well, what IS the point of the movie then? please enlighten us! I really wanna know.
I'm sorry but after thinking about it for some time (and I don't mean the kind of thinking where you go "gee, that movie really made me think", I'm rather talking about the kind where you feel something's wrong, something's been covered up or packaged too nicely and you start picking all it's elements apart, in other words thinking which is hard work and not a cathartic experience) I just can't see any merrits at all. and if it possesses none of the qualities that make a good documentary great then maybe it should have been told as a fictionalized drama based on a true story?
seriously, it doesn't bring anything new to the table, it merely capitalizes on a fifteen year old story, makes it more popluar and probably helps Rodriguez sell a couple more cds (it's really not all that far away from a clever marketing scheme). also, it leaves out crucial facts if they don't fit the whole underdog suddenly becomes superstar narrative (Australian tour), it is intentionally ambiguous about the dates when some of the footage was shot or is supposed to have been shot (Rodriguez "first" interview after he was "found", some contemporary looking shots of Cape Town when there's nothing contemporary about the story), it doesn't follow up it's own leads (the money trail), and it doesn't reveal a whole lot about its protagonist either (his co-worker had more interesting things to say than Rodriguez himself for Chrissakes!), and pardon me but the South African Rodriguez fans simply don't make for very interesting protagonists either ("all our lives have been changed by this search", yeah, guy moved from Johannesburg to Cape Town, and some girl got married, and South Africa de facto still upholds a socialeconomic separation between blacks and whites, big change then!). I mean they are a couple of music nerds who hardly can figure out how to use a geography book. so, what else is there? the historical angle? well, it doesn't cover that too well either, just enough facts to suport its from zero to hero story (and cinematographically speaking a very poor job of creating convincing historical footage).
there you are, in the end it's not even a half way interesting detective story (seriously, those guys would first look in London or Paris instead of checking out a blatantly obvious geographical reference in the lyrics?!?). all that's left is this underdog or fairy tale narrative that suggests to the casual viewer that he or she too could be incredibly famous somewhere in the world, there's a place where you are TRULY recognized for the good person and unique individual that you are! oh my, that sort of fantasy bull is alright for a motivational video or a self help book, but once again, it's not good enough for a documentary. well well, if that's how you win an Oscar today, then movies are in a truly abysmal state.
It's disappointing how the standards of documentary filmmaking have become so lax nowadays. audiences used to be much more critical twenty or thirty years ago. and don't get me wrong, I don't wanna rob nobody of that warm and cozy place this movie creates for your soul to sit in and hatch a few dream eggs. I like that feeling too, it's just that here it comes with the terrible cost of sacrificing everything that used to be important when setting out to shoot a documentary.