I Hope They Don't Make Dickless the Bad Guy
I don't necessarily want to see Walter Peck redeemed, but I don't want to see him go full evil either.
I like it when an obstructive bureaucratic jerk stays an obstructive bureaucratic jerk. There are enough of those guys in real-life without having to make them truly evil villains.
That's also why I'm a bit nervous about the trailer footage for the upcoming Mission: Impossible films. I'd have preferred for Kittridge just to remain an obstructive asshole, rather than a full-blown villain.
Unfortunately, I suppose it's a reflection of the real-world. Without mentioning any names, real-life assholes who were merely persky nuisances during the 80s and 90s, came back a couple of decades later as fully-fledged BIG BAD evildoers...
Still, can't fiction just let a petty jerk just stay that way, rather than feel compelled to double-down on their nastiness? Just let them slink off into obscurity. A middle-ground between Good and Evil *does* exist.