MovieChat Forums > Pixels (2015) Discussion > Peter Dinklage's voice

Peter Dinklage's voice

So I've been meaning to start on GoT for quite a while (having read the books years ago purely by accident), but I'm pretty impressed by his voice.

For a while I thought it was some synthesizer or him over-exaggerating but it seems it is indeed his natural voice.



Yeah, he talks like that on Game of Thrones as well.


His American accent is terrible.
But yes, his voice is great. Yummy in fact.


"His American accent is terrible."

Ok, I'll bite. Why is his American accent terrible? You know, considering he is American.


Then perhaps it was the accent he was trying to achieve because it was awful. It was not believable. It grated my nerves actually.


Could it be some localised accent? New Jersey? San Diego?


In this movie he sounded like Dinklage doing a Ron Burgandy impression.


I couldn't figure out his accent in pixels. But I know he doesn't speak like that in his other movie (like in Elf), so I figured it wasn't his real accent. It sounds a little like a Louisiana accent. I'm not sure.

"The hideousness of that foot will haunt my dreams forever."


Agreed about the yummy voice. I'm a heterosexual male with a pretty deep voice but wow I want his voice.


That guy's voice was the most authentically 80s thing about the movie.


The mighty Peter Dinklage gets a lot of steady work in Hollywood. I really enjoyed him in Elf with Will Ferrell. Peter did some small but important rolls in the recent Narnia movies. I liked his voice work in Ice Age 4. I was glad to see Peter in Pixels but, it was not his best roll in recent years.


He doesn't talk that way on GoT, not with that accent anyhow. He's a great actor.


He made really trite dialog sound funny...
"Ah made yo game mah b*tch..."


Watching GOT all the time and hearing Peter's voice in Pixels was kind of fun to listen to. I got a kick out of it every time he talked.
