A few observations/questions
The basic training scenes seemed off:
- First they all had long hair (in basic you basically get your head shaved)
- Vince Vaughn was unconvincing to say the least as a DI
- The others in his basic company were hostile to the point of gang beating him for his views. They had to realize that medics (which were non-combatants and all he wanted to be) were an important part of any infantry unit. Did that part really happen (the hostility and beating), or was it sensationalized for the movie?
- Questions: Were conscientious objectors (COs) cycled thru "normal" basic, where they were required to carry and fire a rifle; could they actually be court martialed for refusing to fire the rifle, even though they were going into combat without a weapon?
I would really like to know the answers to the questions about COs in WWII. It seemed unrealistic to me.