MovieChat Forums > Hacksaw Ridge (2016) Discussion > I know why this movie gets so much hate.

I know why this movie gets so much hate.

We're living in a time where it's popular to hate white people and their whole history. The reason this film gets so much hate is because it's incredibly awkward for social justice warriors to have to face the fact that:

1. In WW2, the Japanese (non-white people) committed some of the worst atrocities known to human history, every bit as bad as the Holocaust and the crimes of Genghis Khan. This is awkward for the SJW's because they like to pretend only white people ever did bad things.

2. The USA did the world a huge favour by stepping up and making huge sacrifices to end the horror that was Japanese imperialism. This is also awkward for SJW's because they like to pretend that America never did anything good.

And so, the SJW's find any excuse they can to insult this depiction of young American heroes sacrificing themselves by the thousand to save the world from the horrors of Japanese imperialism.

Yes that is me in a blonde wig. Don't pretend I don't look sexy af.


Naw, I support "white people" for stopping the axis countries during WWII from taking over the world.
The reason this movie gets hate is because it's a bad movie. Mel has lost it, first half a cheesy PG chick flick. Then corny humor with Vaughn as the fat DI (no swearing in boot camp or the movie is allowed?) then horror movie like cgi battles. Maggots on brains, zombie like jump scares for kids.
This could have been much better this was a horrible tribute to the hero Doss


Minimal CGI in battle scenes. Historically low for battle/action movies made in last 15 years.


They could have used blood squibs rather than CGI, also the childish jump scares ruined any realism. Pick up a half torso and fire a never ending BAR?


yeah, this ^^...and that is just one of the problems with it.


I swear, Vaughn fired 300 rounds with his Thompson without reloading.


Was it "Smithy" on the BAR, was it?


This is just nitpicking.


Still makes for an unrealitic watch.


"Realism", but you wouldnt bat an eye if it had women and
Blacks in it. No, what upsets you is not the creative license, but that it portrays a hetero white conservative male unapoligetically as the protagonist, and doesnt kiss the ring by including a quick scene of a gay/black/female soldier with the protagonist signaling approval, nor is he redeemed by becoming atheist after seeing the horrors of reality.

Please excuse any typos, this was typed on an iPad


What in the world are you talking about? Im critizizing the infinte clip on his Thompson rifle...


I sure won't miss these boards. They are only a step up from the comment section of a Youtube vid.


I sure won't miss these boards. They are only a step up from the comment section of a Youtube vid.

All the moronic comments, lost forever, like idiot's tears in rain. 

Have you seen Robocop? Many people don't know that it's actually a documentary.


BRAVO! BRAVO! You absolutely read my mind! Someday, there'll be another world war, but because all these FASCIST SJW hating on straight, white, conservative, Christian males will return all the bad karma that will be haunting them forever! SJW believe that the entire world is like america and they never travel outside of their vacation resorts and/or boat cruises, to see the real world....... Mostly a vicious, brutal 3rd world w/ZERO SJW PROPAGANDA!!!! I


vaughn was NOT carrying a thompson...


Oh, what was it?


Grease gun. It was known to be with tank crews for its automatic rifle state and very compact design. Why in the world he was carrying it, I have no idea.


Oh, thats awkward. I've actually shot with a Thompson once. Good times :) My mistake.


No, they tell the story of Doss, because much of that is obviously nothing to do with the war or the actual battle phase of the war anyway, but they don't do much of a job of telling the story of Pacific islands war and Doss' piece of that.

Cheesy,. is right. a right cheeseburger, so far as that part goes.


Huh? 86% on Rotten Tomatoes, 94% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes and has 8.4 on imdb.

So who hated it and why does anyone care?

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Nobody sane hated this film, trust me.

The hate on this board is coming from about 3 or 4 people....The rest of us normal folk all loved it (or at least liked it)


it's disappointing, in terms of we could use a decent Pacific War movie, and this is not it.


Blond wig. Of course, now I recognise you @aethelheim . Haven't we met on Breitbart or Storm Front? I'm sure you are acquainted with those sites because your writing funking reeks of Nazism.


You have absolutely no idea what Nazism is.

Yes that is me in a blonde wig. Don't pretend I don't look sexy af.


Yes that is me in a blonde wig. Don't pretend I don't look sexy af.

Sexy af? You look like Lamars new sex toy in your local County Jail.

Have you seen Robocop? Many people don't know that it's actually a documentary.


The hate is FAKE, created by Gibson haters.

Everyone i know liked it


I don't hate Gibson (well he's a wife abuser and anti-Semitic, I'm not Jewish btw)
Apocalypto was great, does that mean all his movies are? Nope, Well half my friends like it half don't.
The ones that aren't really movie buffs like the cheese, the movie buff friends that watch movies from Kubrick, Coppola, Stone Scorsese, Croenberg, Peckinpah, Coen Bros, Leone, etc see the cheese.


Very true. Gibson directs with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer to the foot. He should have watched Platoon or Full Metal Jacket a few times before starting HR.


Well that's the problem he did, and tried to copy from every other great war movie, but he's just another rich actor with millions that thinks he's a director now.
PS, if you liked the comedy FMJ check out Ermey in Siege of Firebase Gloria. Platoon is still the best war movie period.


Exactly. The "hate" for this film is mostly constructive. For example why didn't his brother has a scratch on his face when he was powerfully hit with a brick? Or the same about his knuckles after him hitting the iron door 20 times? Or why there were no splinters flying anywhere during the first bombing scene? Or why is the story of him meeting his wife so ebarrasing (and it was altered)? And many others.

The first part of the movie is an embarrasing melodrama and the second hours portrays a single battle scene.

The movies you've mentioned are great. Or simply compare this movie to Band of Brothers, which was a masterpiece.


Ha, literally no one even touched upon the argument you tried to start.



Go to youtube, 9gag, Reddit anything really. If a material has anything to do with American doing something great, non-americans (mostly europeans and ironically, not the Germans) will bash it. Commenting on how Americans are stupid, war mongers etc. Ironically posted using whatever OS (android, MAC, iOS, Windows) that Americans made too. lol

A ship sank at the end of the movie Titanic!


USA commit war crimes on a daily basis. They're almost as bad as Russia. Their bloody childish retaliation for 9/11 killed over 300000 civilians so far. They absolutely *beep* up Middle East, endangered Europe, created ISIS, caused refugee crisis which left us with over 1 million refugees in Europe and USA aren't even fair enough to take care of more than 18000 refugees. Half of the nation was retarded enough to vote for reality tv douche Donald Trump for *beep*'s sake. It's the only advanced country which doesn't have a real basic health care and affordable education. the most of the country is *beep* religious even in 21th century.
Btw. Android OS is based on Linux kernel made by Linus Torvalds. I think he's from Finland. Some of the greatest American inventors and visionaries were the first generation immigrants or not Americans at all. Even Nikola Tesla was Serbian-American born in Austrian Empire...
I have a lot of reasonable American friends, I'm not saying that Americans are bad people in essence or something, it's the nation made out of people from all around the world after all, but this weird arrogant patriotism, nationalism and non-critical thinking seen in the USA is really schizophrenic and sometimes funny when observed by foreigners.


Muslims enslaved 100 million people over 1400 years.
Muslims killed 80 million Indians in India during the reign of the Mogul Empire.
What's your opinion of Muslims?


1. Those weren't "refugees", those were people who wanted to rape European women and live off European welfare

2. Trump was elected because the left wing establishment betrayed the American people in particular the working class in favour of minorities

3. The US doesn't have universal healthcare because of Black people.


It makes no difference now because the board is on its last legs but just for old times sake, I'll add your name to the long list of Ignoramus using acronyms like "SJW" because they are too stupid to come up with a proper insult for people they hate.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Ummm who hates this movie ?
