I normally keep a cool head watching films, but I think was someone must have been cutting onions in the next room or something, as I got a little stingy-eyed a couple of times whilst that kid was acting his heart out.
Do they do a Junior Oscar? Because he needs to get it if they do.
I don't know about an Oscar nomination, but that young actor (Brooks) made this movie,for real---it's good to see that he's got some more projects lined up. His performance of Mister was so real and heartbreaking at times, it really had you pulling for that character, especially seeing the circumstances he and Pete were put into. He was also hilarious (I liked when he had to cuss certain people the hell out) and for going off whenever Pete got on his nerves. But,yeah, this films should have gotten way more distribution (and more promotion) than it did----I waited for it to come to the Detroit area, but it never played there. Glad to finally have seen it,though---a very sad at times but beautiful movie---will be tracking down the DVD.