1.6 more like it

100% GARBAGE this movie didnt even care enough or try hard enough to be made into something half decent.If your not going to care than why should i? why even try too make anyone care when you don't.Someone please stop funding p.o.s filmmakers like this.If you thought this was good you need help serious help

"There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it."


don't be bitter because you have bad taste. s'all good, no one's judging you.


Yeah your right ,watching a POS movie like this would give people the impression that i have bad tastes.Good thing i turned the movie off after the 5 minute marker .Didn't lose a single brain cell either (sphew ) this movie was made by half wits for half wits .Like yourself don't be bitter about it , no ones judging you ;)

"There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it."



Calling the kettle black, I know your trolling but if your not, learn the differnce between not liking something and something that's bad.
