documentary! It's so incredibly sad, you don't want to believe it happened but it did. I don't want to go into too much detail for those who haven't seen it yet. It's an extremely well done documentary about a case that started in 1990 and took years and years to solve. I highly recommend it.
Yeah sociopaths have no consciences, no morals, they feel totally removed from and above the human race. They are very scary!
It never did say who the father of Michael was. It was proven by a paternity test that Franklin wasn't the father, which is why the court took him away from Franklin and put him in that wonderful foster home he was in for 4 years before Franklin kidnapped him. I felt very badly for that couple who had him for the 4 years and was going to adopt him. The whole story was so tragic and convoluted. I would imagine that one of Suzanne's (Tonya's) "customers" was Michael's father.