this should've been named thus. a black butch lesbian action hero? the woman with the weak white man so she can be the hero? too funny. also everything on the planet looks like it's related to the plumbus somehow. it's like they took some of the most creative writers then shoehorned woke shit into it because it's 2023.
I really liked the black bulldagger. She was my favorite character. She was resourceful, loving and didn't take any shit off the other lesbian that took off in the escape shuttle. I felt very satisfied when that selfish bitch gets her comeuppance. The dude Sam was my second favorite. He was a real leader and one crazy tough sob that battled through that body snatching parasite choking his heart even though it nonstop was trying to get him to turn Ursula into another body snatched victim. He sacrificed himself so Ursula could live. By the end Ursula had fell in love with Sam I wish she would of gave him some sex for his hard work and sacrifice. I supposed with him being riddled with parasites it might of been a bad idea. Loved this show 8/10.
List the characters in your order from favorite to worst? If you hated them all then least hated to most hated. If I had it all my way I would have preferred Azi not be gay but fuck considering what we have to work with even if she's gay she's still my favorite character with Sam being second.
it was way too long ago now and i didnt even like it that much. so i don't remember most of it. all i could see was men being weak and stupid so women can take charge. it's delusional and annoying and it's in every fucking show right now. like would you want to watch a show where there was no physics or realistic human motivations? realism matter and constantly see girl bosses is boring because it doesnt happen in real life.
This show is incredible but not for everyone. I was frustrated but lack of any plot in first few episodes but then I found I didn't give a fuck about the plot anymore because between the music and visuals I was feeling like insanely relexed vibe. Have you ever owned an aquarium and just relaxed watching your fish fucking around? It was kind of like tha but instead of fish we getting an exotic alien creature in it's crazy ass ecosystem. This show certainly isn't built around the plot or characters but they plot and characters do eventually turn into something.
no it's not incredible. the alien life were just gimmicks. beyond that, the story is boring. even you yourself is saying the story sucked. you're like too delusional to admit it.