MovieChat Forums > V/H/S (2012) Discussion > The Sick Thing... Best Segment

The Sick Thing... Best Segment

"The Sick Thing That Happened To Emily..." (jeesh, long title!) Was to me easily the best, most developed (no, not talking about Helen Rogers' boobs, though...) and had the most shocking and surprising ending. You actually grow to like the Emily and sympathize to her plight and her "boyfriend" was (spoiler alert**********)evil, but not in a clichéd way. Those factors made it all the more disturbing and memorable. Other than that, "Second Honeymoon" was good, while the others were "meh," but I'm sure they provided work for otherwise unemployed actors.


I think Helen Rogers' performance sold that segment. She was easy to connect to and had a bit of charm. It was the most subdued of the segments, and I think that helped too. There was more character building, not necessarily through script or action, but--once again--through the nuances of Ms. Rogers' performance.


It felt like an Alfred Hitchcock film. I agree very different from the others and perhaps the most unpredictable.
