MovieChat Forums > V/H/S (2012) Discussion > Stop with the f-bombs!

Stop with the f-bombs!

Where does it say that EVERY found-footage film has to have the f-word every 3 seconds?!

That word has lost all meaning these days, wow.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Maybe you should stick to family films or childrens films. Horror movies aren't for everyone.

If you love Cheezits and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature.


How exactly is swearing connected to horror films in any way? I love horror films, but I agree with flatlux-1, I hate unnecessary swearing in films. I can tolerate a few f-words here and there in a film, I'm not two years old, but when it gets repetitive, it takes away from the quality of the film, whether it's horror or any other genre.

"The 21st century is all flash but no substance." ~ Smog City


Nothing to do with "family films" or obscenity, it's just weak, boring, and repetitive. WTF? WTF? WTF? Over and over and over.

It's just another major symptom of the slacker millennial generation thinking that the sound of their own voices is more important than actually putting in the work to make good content.

Same weak old crap from the usual suspects.


People who criticize generations are usually the worst of their own generation and reflecting their own insecurities. What I'm saying is your education failed you just like the new generation you're complaining. People say the f word. I don't that often but it is said. Didn't notice it being a lot in this movie. Thanks for the puritan complaints everyone. This is why we had all these dumb prohibitions.


Get over it dude.



Where does it say that EVERY found-footage film has to have the f-word every 3 seconds?!
I don't know if you get out much but people use the f-word ALL the time and yes, it has lost it's meaning. I do think it's sad that people have no self respect and are unable to express themselves without being trashy and low class, but it's reality.

That said, the term "f-bomb" is abysmally stupid and you should not use it.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Perhaps you should just get over it and avoid the genre altogether if it bothers you that much?
