Sequel far superior the original
I got VHS 2 from a Red Box last year (while I was quite drunk) and did not know anything about it or what it was. My friend and I watched it immediately thereafter, and wow, I was completely impressed. It was the first truly frightening film I had seen in years and the only movie that kept me awake at night since I was a kid. I just finished watching the first one, and I am very disappointed. All of the characters were just stock characters, none of them really had unique characteristics so I didn't empathize with any of them, the characters reacted to events in ways that no rational person would (the guys in the Halloween party segment for example), the segments had way too much filler (I understand that they need buildup, but, for example, "Second Honeymoon" could have been cut to the half the time without diminishing its impact), and the plots were either predictable or forgettable. The movie's effects and shocking moments were well done and "Amateur Night" was excellent, but everything else was predictable, unlike VHS 2 where every segment was memorable and you cared about what happened to the characters despite them not having much screen time for development. Anyone else agree?