MovieChat Forums > Tammy (2014) Discussion > Don't bash me for liking this movie!.......

Don't bash me for liking this movie!......In Defense of Melissa McCarthy

Well seems I'm in the minority big time with this movie...I've never seen so much time spent by so many people bashing a movie. I like opinions and am usually thankful when someone likes a movie I wasn't that into so I at least I know it's an okay movie and maybe just not for me....This leads me into the comments I've seen about how much people hate Melissa McCarthy, or think she's too far off of societies expectations of what beauty and normality are supposed to look like. Some just don't think she's funny, which is completely within reason on why they don't like her screen personas, but bashing on her personally(unless you know her) just doesn't make sense, it's being mean for the sake of being mean. What really gets me is how the same people that didn't like her in Bridesmaids, Identity Thief or The Heat even would waste their time watching a movie with her as the main character who is in just about every scene of the movie. Are people not watching the trailers, it doesn't hide the fact that this is Melissa McCarthy in her usual unchained self. I stopped watching Adam Sandler movies years ago cause he does the same thing over and over again, but I didn't start wasting my time bashing him, I just felt maybe I outgrew his humor cause he didn't evolve it in anyway. Yes, the same thing might happen to Melissa McCarthy if she doesn't mix it up eventually but I right now she is still funny and only 3 years and a handful of movies (I heard she's really good in St. Vincent and it's a way different character) into her career.....Jeez, I gave Adam Sandler over a decade to change his humor from Saturday Night Live to Billy Madison, then a few more years until Mr. Deeds and chose to move on. So what about Tammy you ask, well if you read this far you should know that I thought it was a hoot, great cameos, really funny scenes and Susan Sarandon was a stand-out....The half dozen friends(Not Facebook Friends, but ones I see and can touch.)that have seen it all really liked it and I do have a few friends that only like certain genres and won't waste their time watching something they know they have no interest seeing in the first place.


I will admit I was jaded from reading the comments on here and reviews of this movie... I am so glad I have an open mind! Normally, when I watch tv, I'm usually doing other things...puzzles, light reading...and I was when this movie came on early this morning. About 2 minutes into it, I shut down my computer, put my feet up, and had a great time giggling away all the way through the end credits! And I'm already looking forward to seeing it again! I love Melissa McCarthy and she didn't disappoint! I think Susan Sarandon was perfect for the part and, as much as I love Shirley MacLaine, I don't think she would have pulled it off as well. Dan Ackroyd, always a pleasure. And Allison just spot on!


I didn't hate this movie at all. A little background. I have had my third eye surgery, and had a followup visit, a good one. So I wanted to watch something light and undemanding. This was my pick, and I am fine with it.

I love Melissa McCarthy & Ben Falcone. I think they are talented enough that this movie could have been better, but I prefer this over some horror movie that is nothing but maiming & killing.

It was funny when Tammy threw a fit over her husband cheating, when all we ever saw was him and his girlfriend Toni Colette fully dressed and never touching. Was that Ben Falcone she left him for in the end?


I am a big Melissa McCarthy fan. Form Gilmore Girls and Mike & Molly.
Every movie I have seen her in does seem a bit unusual! But I love them! I find myself going back to watch them several times. I don't know what it is, but I love them.
She definitely does have an unusual acting style and weird sense of humor, and most of the time it's quite rude, not a super fan of that, but I can live with it enough to enjoy the movie.


I found her to be extremely unattractive, fat and boring but I didn't know who she was before I saw the film. I watched it because of Susan Sarandon and had no idea who McCarthy was. I could handle her being fat and ugly if she were funny or a semi-decent actress. Unfortunately, she is neither and I really don't get what she has going for her.


I've liked her in everything I've seen her in.

But I did hear a LOT of negative reviews for this movie. For that reason I put off watching it until tonight.

Hey...I kinda liked it. Something about McCarthy cracks me up. Her character is funny. "Hey...super old guy!"

So what if she only plays one character? All the great comics did that. It's not like Groucho Marx was a different character in every movie. I wouldn't want Groucho to do any other character and I don't want McCarthy to do any other character. No one else on earth can do it as well....that's awesome.

Proud member of the Facebook Let Me In group, DoYouLikeMe.proboards,


I'm thankful I only rented it from Netflix instead of buying it.


I think it's the age-old story. They don't like her, maybe even resent a fat woman being the star of a movie, and they try to find reasons why she shouldn't!
Remember what Cosmopolitan published as "review" of Mike & Molly saying that the couple was disgusting? Need I say more.
