So Frodo got hit by a car, and then he imagines a bunch of his victims cutting him open? Did he go back to his house and cut his own face off? The girl escaped and called LAPD on him I assume, and the cops went to his house and found him dead. But who killed him?
He died from his injuries; from getting stabbed in the chest and getting hit by the car. Like you said, he just hallucinated his victims dismembering him. I'm not sure who called the police on him, though.
Logan, buddy. It's me, Deadpool! I shot youuuuuu....
This would be my guess as to who called the cops. The guy/woman who was driving the car regains consciousness uses a cell phone to call the police,, the police come to the scene and find Anna's body lying next to the car,,they see that her scalp has been cut away so they know that the person how killed her is the serial killer that they are looking for,,they follow the blood trail of Frank,,who is bleeding pretty badly from his stab wound and from being run over with a car,,and who is also carrying a bloody scalp,,the blood trail leads back to his shop/home they call in a swat team because they know they are dealing with a serial killer who is probably armed and that is how they find Frank. Just how I imagine it went down.
good answer, makes sense. what I love about imdb. watching this movie half drunk and or stoned thinking, what the hell just happened. someone on this board always has the answer. thank you.
I think the car crash was stupid though. For starters, I'm surprised the startled driver didn't just drive away/Anna didn't tell him to drive away. I can understand Anna putting her foot on the accelerator to finish off Frank but in real life, I think most people in her situation would just want to get the hell out of there.
Secondly, despite hitting Frank head on, the car seemed to swerve sideways at some speed (enough to send Anna out of the windscreen anyway) into a wall. Maybe that is possible, physics isn't my strong point but I thought the car would have come to a stop after Anna took her foot off the accelerator, or would've been slowed down due to the speed bump Frank's body would act as.
Thirdly, despite taking a blow from a head-on collision with a car and in addition to his current severe stomach injury, Frank was still able to get up and walk?
Yep, that's how I interpreted as well....that he died from his injuries but as he died he hallucinated that his victims were the ones killing him. When I was younger watching the ending of the original, I never understood that ending.