Women in Paradise/GJ?

I really tried to like this show but it was difficult to like the anti-climatic storyline and undeveloped characters. I just finished it and I'm trying to wrap my brain around this whole thing with an open mind.
One thing I can't really grasp is- what was the point of the women living in Paradise? Especially GJ? I'm confused what her role was exactly, was she a part of the underage sex ring? Or was it all meant to be one huge, confusing metaphor? Please tell me your thoughts on this because I'm stuck.


I saw GJ's group as a kind of rehabilitation for abused/lost women. It wasn't anything to do with the sex ring.

Sat and forever am at work here.


GJ was there, I think, to be the opposite of all other adult characters: she was honest.


At one point in time it was fairly common for people to gather around one person, a "teacher," and move to a random place to try to create a commune sort of thing. In the 70s in the USA (where I live) it was especially popular, and there are still cults like that today.

I saw GJ's group as an "anti-cult," meaning they did all decide to leave their old lives and live together in the middle of nowhere, but it was all for their benefit and no one forced them to stay. The women healed or came to grips with things from the experience, and GJ was their teacher but she didn't demand that they serve her or anything, like some cult leaders do. She was just honest with them. Also GJ was decidedly unspiritual--she didn't advocate meditation or anything beyond "listen to your body," basically. The people she helped the most were Robin and Tui, and when they learned what they needed to from her, she moved on to a new place.
