Twin Flame..
I decided to watch this movie because the synopsis given on Netflix speaks of a Twin Flame kind of union.
I believe the writer(s) and director had good intentions if Twin Flame is what they were going for, but the movie lacked a few things. Being in a Twin Flame situation myself there are a few things missing from this movie and some things just didn't make sense.
1. In the beginning we see Rebecca falling off the sofa while Dylan was in a bar fight. In T.F. situations you do experience shared emotions but I don't know anything about a person going through something so great brought through their T.F. (not to say it can't happen). Your Twin's emotions/feelings can transmit through your shared energy. My Twin and I have yet to discuss our union but I know when he is having moments or simply thinking about me. I can feel his emotions. It can be an emotional roller-coaster. When we go a few days without being around each other it's like our worlds are falling apart. I know in the movie they lived on opposite coasts but that sense of longing to be together wasn't quite there. They pretty much came off as mental pen-pals.
2. I have read that Twins are capable of having conversations but from my understanding they tend to be only in your head, not walking around and having people think you're talking to yourself.
3. What does speak true about Twin Flame unions is that in some cases one Twin is either in a relationship or married and the other is single. I have read where both Twins were in a relationship or marriage. Either way, some relationships/marriages have broken up because of Twin Flame unions. Some Twin Flame unions have been so intensely strong that they have affected relationships/marriages into separation, even divorce.
4. Not all Twin Flames end up together.