The Ending *Spoilers*
Was there more to the movie other than what I watched? Was there an alternative ending in either the script or the novel? It just did not make much sense. From my viewpoint or understanding Brit and Candy did not appear to have an escape plan of any sort/type. Now I am not sure or fully understand how the justice system works in America but I am curious as to how long law enforcement would have kept the four girls fingerprints and other identifying features on file. I mean those girls pretty much handled everything without gloves. It just seems as if it would only be a short matter of time before they were apprehended. Both Big Arch and Alien's homes would eventually become crime scenes and be thoroughly processed for any and all evidence which would turn up all four girls fingerprints. Plus I am also thinking that there would be some sort of retaliation from Big Arch's remaining gang crew once they learned of the murder of so many of their people. I doubt that even locked up in prison would keep Brit and Candy safe.