Any intelligent non-stupid-scum and non-conspiracy-theorists to explain?
So I heard a lot about Terrence Malick's movie only to decide to start watching them (starting with Tree of Life then Knight of Cups).
I'm fascinated with his movies and crafts. But being non-religious I have hard time really pinning down the symbolism and references (mainly Christianity) behind although I'm pretty versed into deep philosophies, politics or even symbolism (from an occult and art standpoint which are usually universal, some-time cross-references but never that much in specific religious depth and references).
I appreciated the powerful meaning behind Tree of Life, and even Knights of Cups being young but not so much and focused on women, and I really appreciated his visual poetic stylistic cinematography but when it comes to the actual religious or symbolic references (be it Tarot reading, which I know he kinda mocks in the movie, but still use as references for the chapters) except for that explicit reference of the Perl & the Prince.