Well, as usual he has many beautiful shots and locations thrown in. However, many of the scenes that actually feature people are shot with wobbly handheld cameras and are often ridiculously poorly framed and at times look like you are watching something shot by a clumsy amateur shooting home movies. Seriously, some shots are outrageously bad as when he has a handheld camera held about shoulder height wobbly follow characters from behind. Or the ridiculous and silly close-ups of Wes Bentley's face.
I'm also pretty sick of his love of wobbly cam shots looking up at the character as the camera randomly moves about and we listen to droopy dog philosophical voice-over.
This is not good or "artistic" camera work...it's just shoddy and distracting. He wants us to focus on the "big ideas" but then he puts stuff on screen that looks like he just let a toddler run around with a camera.