MovieChat Forums > Dead Man Down (2013) Discussion > What was the point of the children?

What was the point of the children?

I didn't get the point about the children bullying her and calling her a 'monster'. She didn't even look that bad in my opinion. I thought that Victor would have seen them bulling her once and he would go ruffle them up but that never happened...

Forever POTC



the children are the real monsters


Totally agree I figured Viktor would *beep* them up. I imagine the little delinquents would have stolen the dress he bought her, should have planted a bomb in it. Problem solved.

"You don't upload an avatar - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You do upload an avatar - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."


You'd have thought she would have looked like The Elephant Man or something the way she was treated in the movie. Almost as soon as she walked out of her apartment building some kids threw rocks in her face and called her a Monster. She only had a couple of scratches.



The point was to show that things were hard for her and that even though the makeup effects didn't show it properly she was supposed to be disfigured in a way that put people off. It contributes to her state of mind.

I think they should also have cut the scene where she has returned to work and mindlessly rips out the lady's brow. The earlier scene, where she goes in to see her former boss, should have ended with the boss making it clear she thought it was just a visit and that there's no way she was having her back to work there.
