The ideas for the movie and trilogy
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Here are ideas for the 3rd if 2 movies are successful. There are ideas below for this upcoming movie and the sequel if successful.
If legal rights Abner Jenkins could appear on Thunderbolts third film with the Bastards of evil as the villains and Aftershock to appear in the movie. That's post Champions movie. The Superior should be the primary villain. Savage Steel should be a villain on Darkhawk along with Phillipe Bazin and he defeats those villains. Bullseye also joins the Thunderbolts team who is Benjamin Pointdexter in redemption. Maybe then US Agents and Black Widow with Elektra are the Thunderbolts roll call if a 3rd movie. Shocker could join the Thunderbolts too.
Answer, Living Laser, Masked Marauder, Bulldozer and Scarecrow along with Zaran Tina, Millie, Sam and Steve don't appear in this film they could appear on Champions or New Warriors TV shows as could Justine Hammer as Crimson Cowl.