Agreed. Terrible movie. And the choppers?
Did they even attempt to make them look atealthy?
I agree with the primary reviewer on the main page.
Another annoying thing was the head guy explaining extremely standard operational procedures like not shooting non-combatants. As DEVGRU aka team six is a Tier 1 operator like Delta, SAd/SOG and USAF 24th special tac. They are picked from the best of the best of the best, tend to be older and more mature mentally etc,
Telling a team that specializes in hostage rescue, counter terrorism, black ops and direct action, telling those operators to be careful not to hit non combatant or non coms. Is just ridiculous. They train nonstop on all of that.
The movie was terrible. I could explain why but has been done and its obvious. Too bad. I was excited to see this flick. Total letdown. It's a 1-2/10 scale to me.