Night Vision?

Surely this has been covered somewhere, but I was wondering why they didn't kill power to the compound and then use night vision goggles to enter the buildings. Wouldn't it be better to have the edge when it comes to seeing? Also, 12:30 seems a little early for a raid. Why not 4 am, after the men have had their way with their women and are fast asleep. I fear that the light was for the cameras, at the risk of our heroes' lives.


AK47 shoots while you are in night vision. you are blind for couple seconds. couple seconds that is life or death in a shootout.
Now why didnt they use nightvision cameras to record the thing is another question.

But yes, like in every movie ever made, a truly dark situation is never actually dark because the viewer has to see whats going on.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


The actual event happened during a blackout. This film depicted an inaccurate shoot out while the actual events happened swiftly, efficiently, and with little gunfire besides kill shots.

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Strazdamonas is completely wrong.

There is a flash when you fire any weapon, but it certainly does not "blind" anyone for a couple seconds if you see said flash while wearing NVG's. In reality, NVG's were used during the raid, as it was conducted during a blackout in the area.
