MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > It looks surprisingly promising.

It looks surprisingly promising.

We've seen plenty of these video game adaptations by now to have the lowest if expectations. When the Resident Evil movies are among some of the better adaptations then you know there's a problem.

Seeing the trailer for this movie though...could it be the good one finally? It has the potential to be.

Usually these movies are made on the cheap and don't resemble what made the game so popular but this looks like it's got a good budget behind it and they do have some good actors involved and it does look pretty faithful to the game.

I know people are complaining about the music in the trailer, I don't really care because its not going to be in the movie anyway.

There's huge potential for a franchise here if they don't mess it up and they can easily get away with having different actors in different movies too.


I think it looks promising too (I like everything about both trailer, sans the music, but like you've said, it's not gonna be in the movie anyway).

Only thing that worries me is the release date, with this opening just 5 days after Star Wars: Rogue One. Think that will likely have a significant impact on AC's Box office (some territories are opening at January, but U.S. the most important market, is opening at December...)

I really do want this movie to succeed (since I've been a fan since the first game), but we'll just have to see.


Yeah I'm not confident on the box office either. I don't expect for it to make too much in the US but the overseas might be able to save it.

I'd like to see it do well because they could do movies in all different periods but not just that it would give studios confidence to make these bigger budgeted video game adaptations.

If it bombs they'll just keep making them on the cheap.


This looks so good I might actually pony up for the 3D. The latest trailer is awesome.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


Finally, a positive post today. Thank you kind person!!

I do think that this is the turning point for video game movies. At some point, the box office doesn't matter as much as the critical reception, which is already really good. So hopefully, it's already successful in that regard.


Don't wanna hype a video game movie, but I hope this is good. I love Fassbender so that helps and 'Macbeth' was a beautiful movie (too bad about the dialogue..). I don't think it will be financially that successful but I hope its good...not too long to find out now.


This trailer is indeed promising. Music, once again, is distracting.


I agree, the second trailer makes it look extremely promising. I will definitely be seeing it together with Rogue One over the holidays.

"No, he's useless. He's absolutely useless. He's as useless as a marzipan dildo."
