Till AC3 Juno was helping assassins, from AC IV she has sided with the templars to regain a living form. This aspect confuses me!I understand Juno kinda manipulates and guides Desmond towards releasing her. But, given the templar's ideology, wouldn't she have been more successful if she assisted the templars, who would have released her easily and also helped her get a new body(the phoenix project)? If Juno rather than aiding assassins had aided the templars, who had much more means and resources of achieving their goals, I think she would have been more successful.
Really the only time Juno helped the Assassin's was by taking physical control if Desmond to kill Lucy, who was a Templar sleeper agent. It can be argued though that even then, Juno was only making sure Desmond and his team would reach the Eye before Abstergo could prevent him from using to save the world, and unleash Juno in the process.
The rest of the interactions between the Assassin's and the Isu (The Precursors) was mostly Minerva and in Revelations, Jupiter.
Really the only time Juno helped the Assassin's was by taking physical control if Desmond to kill Lucy, who was a Templar sleeper agent. It can be argued though that even then, Juno was only making sure Desmond and his team would reach the Eye before Abstergo could prevent him from using to save the world, and unleash Juno in the process.
The rest of the interactions between the Assassin's and the Isu (The Precursors) was mostly Minerva and in Revelations, Jupiter.
Ok, Minerva in AC 2 asks the assassins to find more artifacts to save our world but in AC 3 tells desmond to let the world die and restart. Was she guiding him to that destiny all along or did the writers suddenly change their minds? The more I get into AC lore, the more I am reminded of Halo (AC Surely has taken some inspirations from it)
I totally see where you're coming from, it does seem like a 180. Actually, deep within the lore, it makes sense- you see, every time Minerva is encountered (in II, Brotherhood, and III), it's actually a projection of her looking into the future from the time shortly before the Precursors fell. Minerva (and Jupiter) are both already dead; Juno is alive due to her imprisonment. Bear with me, this is where some assumptions are made:
If we give the lead franchise writers the benefit of the doubt, it can be surmised that, when Minerva projected herself into the Vatican Vault, she was still hopeful that the 3 Isu scientists would be able to build a way to prevent the next calamity (read: solar flare). However, after she gives this message to Desmond through Ezio, she in her own timeline realizes that they just can't find a way to do it, and instead builds and uses a second Eye to project herself into the pivotal moment of the second calamity- namely, the moment Juno is advising Desmond to use the first Eye to protect the Earth from the solar flare. Thus is why Minerva suddenly appears during that pivotal moment- she's already dead, unlike Desmond and Juno, but she tries to get Desmomd to just let it happen, blah blah, you know the rest lol.
I think somewhere Corey May and Danny Wallace (franchise writers) said that they did plan it out ahead of time, so I like to give them the benefit of the doubt. Sorry for the long post :)