MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Cool premise, potential to break the cur...

Cool premise, potential to break the curse of game-based movies

Most game-based movies didn't do well; games can only touch on the plot before letting you play. This franchise, however, has movie potential.

I had stopped playing games by the time AC came out but I watched some nicely-done series summaries on YouTube. So while I didn't play the games and I don't know how engaging they told the story, it seems the premise itself gives the writers all they need. It combines general history, secret societies, Superman-like beings, and a time-travel link to the present in a tidy fashion.

Hope this thing knocks it out of the park and spawns a movie franchise bigger than the game.


I hope so too. This franchise is rich with possibility. Given everything I've read and seen so far, I am optimistic that this film will be, at the very least, great.
