Why do people always find something to hate
I mean really??? people are already hating but this looks damn good.
shareI mean really??? people are already hating but this looks damn good.
Well said, friend. It's absolutely true- it seems like we've reached a point where a person can't just enjoy something unless everyone says you can. That's not how life works. Each and every person has a distinct personality, and you should never let people make you feel bad or alone for feeling some way. I guarantee you, you're never alone. Especially here on the internet, the happy people are the ones content not to shout while the hecklers will shout no matter what. I thank the people who like the trailer, and I thank the people who dislike it but do not judge the entire film based on music in trailers. Others who jump to conclusions are only harming themselves.
In summary, trolls abound on the internet. But there are more people who like things than there are trolls in the real world. Like what you want to like. You're not alone. :)
Indeed. I agree with you 100%. People just can't enjoy things for what they are any more.
sharePeople don't appreciate what they have or what they are offered until they lose it. We live in a ungrateful society, especially in America. Not just in geek culture, but in everything. We live in a world with unappreciative people. You could never change them, my friend. They can only change themselves.
I couldn't agree more.
There is a big difference between being realistic and having blind faith. A lot of people on this board have blind faith in this movie. I hope this movie succeeds because I've been an AC since the very beginning, but I'm not convinced that this movie will be a succes.
To say that someone doesn't appreciate what they have because they don't like every aspect of a movie, is complete nonsense. Someone should have learned them to respect someone else's opinion. Not everyone Always agrees with you, but to take that as a personal insult and saying that they are unappriciative is complete nonsense.
Because it's cool to hate new movies. Not only movies actually. Anything new. If you don't hate new stuff you're a loser.
However, it's not most people. It's actually just a very vocal minority. But they drive people away, especially on these boards. The ones that come here do discuss what they like end up not coming to these boards because they get tired of all the bull***t...