Fox MUST release the final close-to-the-movie trailer in November
If serious, I'm a bit tired of the marketing style of this movie. Yes, the first two trailers attracted mass attention by their style, music and everything. But after doing that, they MUST release the final trailer this month, which will finally give us (and this attracted mass audience) the sense of an actual film. The spirit of an actual film. I refuse to believe that the first two trailers were this spirit. No, not in the case of the film directed by Justin Kurzel (if those who did these trailers actually watched his previous films they would know how laughable their attempts to present his new picture really are).
Hands down, we need the final trailer this month, with
1) orchestral score;
2) good editing;
3) with actors' credits in the second half (like in E3 featurette;
4) the improved graphics;
Who agrees?
Nolan, I love you forever!share