MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Spanish interview with Hovik Keuchkerian...

Spanish interview with Hovik Keuchkerian and Javier Guitérrez

If anyone could translate, that would be appreciated


No problem, I will do my part:

_ The first thing they've been asked, is what it meant for them to work in a movie, where history of their own country (Spain) was depicted. Also, if they knew before shooting, what historical moment were they going to play. Hovic said he didn't knew until he accepted the role. Javier just said, that the main reason he accepted, was to work with Justin Kurzel and Michael Fassbender.

_ Javier Gutierrez, then he's asked about his character of Torquemada. He explained that Torquemada in the movie, isn't depicted as a villain, but as a fanatic of religion. Hovic is asked also about his character of Ojeda, who is a badass. Hovic explain's what it meant the fruit of Eden for them. In a nutshell, they try to humanize their characters and avoid refer them as "villains". They also compared how things work nowadays regarding the Spanish Inquisition. Centuries ago, crimes were committed in name of Religion, now is the same, but in name of Money.

Basically, that was all.


Wow, that's darn interesting. What exactly do they say about the fruit? Thanks again for your handiness


They didn't spoil too much about the fruit of Eden. Hovic just said, that their characters felt saving the world with the artifact. However, that makes me wonder, what kind of situation were they facing, to believe that the piece of Eden was considered as their "savior" artifact.


While Ojeda simply did his job because he was paid to, Torquemada was a religious fanatic. And this kinds of people want everybody in the world to be turned into their religion, they feel anger and irritation when somebody saying anything against their religion. And they also believe that their own religion is the only one right. So the Apple of Eden could be easily considered by them as the weapon of saving. By this artifact they could turn every mind into their religion, and they wouldn't even need army and persistent preaching anymore, cause any mind would be in total control of they.

If you want an equal example, see Ra's al Ghul in Batman Begins (by the way, this film was stated as an influence to Assassin's Creed). He believed that destruction of the sinful cities is the only way to save the world. He was a fanatic, though not religious, but close to it. He pretty much made his own religion, unlike Torquemada, who was using Catolicism.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Yes, I imagined Ojeda being the right hand of Torquemada, his bodyguard to call it somehow.
