I just finished both AC and AC2
The ending for ACII was intruiging. I still yet to play brotherhood and the third Ezio game.
Now after I play those. Are the other sequels worth playing?
The ending for ACII was intruiging. I still yet to play brotherhood and the third Ezio game.
Now after I play those. Are the other sequels worth playing?
Every sequel is worth it except unity
shareAre the other sequels worth playing?Contrary to what the idiotic "MasterAltair" claims, Unity is indeed worth it.
Back to insulting again?
shareInsulting? More like telling the truth.
Back to whining again, aren't you?
Jebi mater vi?e upila si
shareVidim da još uvijek sjedi na očev kurac prije nego ćete uživati gutanje njegova vruća sperma
shareNothing in that sentence makes sense. You should know by now that google is not good translator. Since you are still a little bitch and a troll i wont continue this any further
shareAlas for your overly pathetic self, every word in that sentence makes perfect sense, you brain dead little fairy. As I've already told you, I do not use google or any kind of translator since I don't need any translation, as I fluently speak over 14 different languages, dumbass. The only little bitch and troll here is yourself, and you must certainly will continue this until I say it's over and ONLY when I say it's over.
shareContrary to what the idiotic "MasterAltair" claims, Unity is indeed worth it.
The fact the DAY ONE patch was like 14 gigs or so would seem to show the game was not even nearly ready to be released.
Plus, somehow, the game managed to make the French Revolution, one of the bloodiest and interesting periods on history, so... damn... boring.
The Ezio Trilogy, Black Flag and Rogue and the first game are the heights of the series, although Syndicate is a close runner up.
Unity was worse than cancer.
I gave up on Unity a few weeks after release because it was so buggy fyi
shareCalling the kettle black are we? How can anyone take you seriously after you imply that Unity is a better game than Black Flag? Have you even played Black Flag? I doubt it. Black Flag is amazing and to suggest to someone that they can skip it, is insane.
shareYou're trying too hard, kiddo, and you've got zero credibility, hence why no one agrees with you about your passionate love for Black Flag, lol!!
All the sequels are worth playing.
Mind you however the first five are the best:
Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed II
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Assassin's Creed III
Those five are the best in the entire series.
The rest, though can be skipped, are still worth playing. Mind you however, the sequels that follow focus more on gameplay, combat, and graphics, and not so much the story or modern day setting. This includes:
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Assassin's Creed: Rogue
Assassin's Creed: Unity
Assassin's Creed: Syndicate
They're worth playing, but they're not nearly as original and as great as the first five games. They have much bigger open worlds, improved next generation graphics and design, and share different controls to combat and exploring.
I am a diehard AC fan who has played every game, and I fully support this description. Couldn't have said it better myself.
If you can, definitely play all of them. They're all really good. However, if you have limited time, the first 5 are truly the only important ones, story-wise. Especially if preparing for the movie, which is significantly in the present-day.
If you can, definitely play all of them. They're all really goodNot quite true.
3 Was boring but Rogue was quite of a fresh take due to playing as a Templar (Don't count 20min of Haytam Kenway in 3)
In terms of Black Flag... Ubisoft wanted to make a pirate game but rushed to put Assassin's Creed's name on it to cash in. Edward Kenway was a bland protagonist so I'll give you that.
Do you think you can ride that Chocobo? Gas 'em up with the greens and let him go
Playing as a Templar dit not prevent Rogue from being boring to death.
shareI've played all games excepting AC Revelations and AC Syndicate. So far, I enjoyed mostly, all games involving Desmond Miles, whose storyline ends in AC III (You play 3 different assassins in 3 different time periods, Altaïr, Ezzio and Connor).
Despite of all bad critics to AC Unity, I've enjoyed that game as well. The only one I dislike the most was AC Black Flag, and this is the reason: most part of the game takes place in the pirate ship, and there were times I lost patience with the battleships and skipped the game. AC III and AC Rogue also had battleship moments but in a lesser level.
The game is 60/40 (in terms of land exploration to naval)
shareThe focus on Naval battles and the variety of locations and a protagonist who thinks the whole Templar and Assassin war for magic stuff is just a bit too high on the crazy scale was a breath of fresh air after playing his dull as dish-water grandson.
Now if you played ACIII as Haytham, thst would have been a much better experience... he at least was interesting.
The Naval battles were a challenge, and Black Flag could have cut down considerably on the tailing missions, though I liked the one where the Jackdaw was tailing a shio through a bayou at night. And gadding about the high-seas with Blackbeard was awesome.
Hey, cool man! Wasn't that ending friggin' mind-bending?!
Anyway, as I said in a response to another's answer to your question, if you have the time you should definitely play all of them. Lemme know what you think of Brotherhood!
Continue at least up to ac4 (my personal favorite and it fully closed out the Desmond at for a new "era" so to speak starting with unity). Anyways, I'm gonna be blunt, don't listen to the ones that say ac4 is more of a pirate game than an ac game (referring to people who say that in general). The point of the game's story was giving an outsider perspective to the assassin-Templar war and what defines an individual
I'm gonna be blunt: Dont' waste your money, time & energy on AC4: Black Flag. It is the most boring and least interesting game of the entire franchise. Not to mention the fact that the lead character generates zero appeal, empathy and compassion for him and his storyline. It is what it is: much more of a pirate game than an assassin game.Agreed! share
I agree with him too! AC4 is easily my least favorite in the main series. Swapping out huge iconic explorable cities in favor of a @#$%ing sail boat and an empty sea? Whoever at Ubi came up with that idea and whoever approved it can both go to hell.
shareI thought it was a welcome change of pace. Taking what worked in ACIII and making it the primary focus of the game.
It was good to play as a character who couldn't give two monkey craps about the Templars and Assassin's and their convoluted bullcrap, unless it made him money. Certainly, way more fun than Connor... that guy was a species of statue.
Plus, as if sailing the high seas with a bunch of scallywags and miscreants singing seas shanties wasn't fun.
Plus you got to gadabout and Pirate the crap out of the Caribbean with Blackbeard himself.
What is wrong with all these idiots saying that AC4 isn't a good game? Black Flag was amazing! It's one of the best games in the series. To imply that AC3, Unity or Syndicate are better games than Black Flag is pure insanity!!
The reason those idiots didn't like the naval missions is that they were too difficult for them. They couldn't get 100% sync and they are still crying about it. I bet they are all 12 year old little boys.
Nothing is wrong with those alleged "idiots" since they're obviously smarter than you. Regardless if a moron like yourself agrees or not, "Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag" is pure crap and the worst game in the franchise. Totally awful, boring and uninteresting.
Unity & Syndicate may have their flaws but by comparison with a disastrous train wreck like Black Flag, they're actually magnificent masterpieces. The naval missions are not too difficult... they're just too predictable, repetitive and coma-inducing. And if anyone here actually was 12 years old (even though everyone here is actually quite older), they'd still be older than you, kiddo.
Hahahahahaha!!!!! You're a delusional psychopath!What kind of pathetic moron, are you? Lying about speaking 14 different languages. I feel sorry for you.
Calling someone else kiddo only proves that you're just a little boy yourself. You're not even old enough to play AC. Stop lying. It's very clear that you haven't even played Black Flag, either that or you are still upset that you couldn't complete the game 100% because you are a incompetent little moron. Stop crying like a little baby. Black Flag was amazing and Rogue was much better than Unity. Deal with it and stop crying!!! Don't bother replying with anymore lies. I've had enough of your lies.
LMAO!! The only delusional "psychpath" & pathetic moron here is yourself, retard. Not lying about speaking 14 different languages. You're simply jealous. Feel sorry only for yourself.
Calling someone else kiddo only proves that you're just a little boy yourself1. Is that the best you managed to come up with? Talk about lame, ridiculous & highly ineffective, even for a sad loser like yourself.
Hahahahaha!! Nice try little boy. Now you're pretending to be a woman? What's next? Are you going to pretend to be transgender in your next post? Noone believes you. Noone believes that you speak 14 languages. You're only fooling yourself. You actually believe your own lies. You live in a fantasy world created by your sick and twisted mind. You really need professional help. Only a real psycho would call Unity and Syndicate masterpieces. You just proved that you haven't even played any AC game. You're just a pathetic pretender. A poser. Stop lying and go back to your parents basement, you pathetic little boy.
Hahahahaha!! Nice try pretender. Noone believes you. You just can't stop lying. What kind of delusional psychopath are you? Don't bother replying. I'm done with you. You're nothing more than a pathetic pretender. Go bother someone else.
shareLMAO!! Unlike yourself, little bitch, I never try. I simply succeed. No one is lying except for your overly pathetic self and as I've already told you, I don't give a sh!t if a sad loser like yourself believes me or not, dumbass. The only "delusional psychopath" here is yourself so stop accusing other people of being what you are yourself. It's beyond lame and tacky, even for a pitiful retard like yourself. I'll reply if I want and as often as I want and there's not a damn thing you can do about it, micro-penis. No one could ever be more pathetic than you are.
Hahahaha!! Succeed at what? At pretending? You must be a pro?
What other people are you referring to? Don't tell me you also suffer from multiple personality disorder? You really are crazy.
Do your parents know that you're such a foul-mouthed little boy? I wonder if they would approve of their son using such language. Don't bother replying. You just keep embarrassing yourself.
Succeed at everything, you overly idiotic Rose Nylund wannabe. Like being better than you. The only one pretending here is yourself.
You're accusing me of being what you are yourself, hence why the use of the expression "other people". Are you really so dumb and uneducated that you need to be explained every single thing in precise little details? No one could ever be crazier than you are, child.
Do your parents know that you're such a foul-mouthed little boy?Pot, meet kettle. The only little boy here is yourself, dickhead, and the only one who's embarrassing themselves here is actually you. I'll reply if I want and there's nothing you can do about it, you brain dead little bitch, lol!
Hahahahaha!! Does your incompetence know no bounds? Just stop replying. Enough is enough. I'm sick of your lies and your pretending.
shareThe only lies, pretending and incompetence here are yours, pitiful asshat that you are. Hence why you're unable to come up with an actual witty reply and why you keep repeating yourself all the time. Sucks to be you, loser. I'll keep replying for as long as I want. Deal with it, little bitch.
Just give up already. All you do is repeat what I say. You've lost. Stop pretending. Black Flag and Rogue are both awesome games. Deal with it!
shareThere's nothing to give up and you, of all people, are in no position to pretend I'm repeating what you say since you're doing the exact same thing over and over, you sad moron. Black Flag and Rogue are the 2 least interesting games in the franchise. They're the exact opposite of awesome. Deal with that, little bitch, lol!
Hahahaha! You obviously can't handle the truth!! You just keep repeating the same lies over and over. The truth is that you haven't played a single AC game. You're nothing more than a pathetic little pretender. You make me sick. You disgust me!
shareActually, you're the one who can't handle the truth since you're the one who repeats the same crap over and over. The truth is that regardless of what you wrongly believe, I have indeed played all the games of the franchise and you're just pissed that I keep opposing and that I refuse to agree with you, asshat. No one could ever be more pathetic than you are. If you truly want to be sick and disgusted, then take a look at yourself.
shareHahahahaha!! Again with the same crap. Just repeat what I say. I'm done with this pointless argument. I'm done with your psychotic delusions. Don't bother replying.
LMAO!!! The only crap here is yours, sad retard that you are, since you're the one repeating everything all the time. We both know you're not done at all with this argument, which is far from being pointless. The only psychotic delusions here are your and I'll reply if I want to and there's not a damn thing you can do about it, you sad little fairy.
Read my post above about benelli. He/she is a lying psychotic trolling nutcase who has a habit of pretending to be what they're not on the internet, and boy do they ever have it in for you if you expose them! They're just unstable and IMDb should apply for a restraining order against it. Nothing wrong with a little embellishing on the net but when you out and out make up an outrageous and *OBVIOUS* lie, so obvious it sticks out like dogs balls, and then viciously and obsessively go after the person who outed you, you know you have a problem. And benelli is clearly a very very very sick puppy who clearly lives in their mother's basement and makes up a fantasy career to go with their online fantasy world.
shareWow. You just make enemies everywhere you go, don't you, benelli?! You are seriously obsessed and crazy, like a dog with a bone, you need to be right and if you aren't you make damn sure to pummel your opponent because you are gutless, delusional and cannot admit you're wrong.
For those on here, I busted benellie the psychotic troll POSING AS A *LAWYER*, yet they couldn't even spell 'embarrassed'. They spelled it embarressed! It got a grudge against me when I pointed it out and exposed them, then made a half-arse attempt to cover it up by saying English isn't their first language. Amazingly, reading through their posts, they have NEVER had a problem with the English language before.
So, just a warning - benelli86 is a psychotic unstable and obsessive troll. Put it on ignore and report, as I intend to.
Hahahahaha!! Did I hit a nerve? Why are you replying to me in a thread about AC? Is it because everyone on the Angelina Jolie board already knows what kind of a psychotic moron you are?
Are you stalking me now, you crazy Angelina Jolie obsessed psycho? I live in the Netherlands you idiot! So no, English isn't my first language, Dutch is.
Who is they and them? What kind of idiot are you? You should be ashamed of yourself.
Anyone with any kind of education knows that Rotterdam is in the Netherlands. It's one of the biggest ports in the world. Maybe if you weren't so busy stalking me, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt you would know this, but you clearly don't have any education at all.
I couldn't care less if you don't believe that I'm a lawyer. You just can't stand the fact that I told the truth about your psychotic obsessive behavior. You're very sick and need help. You disgust me.
You really are a special kind of crazy, aren't you Gypsy12? I've just read a couple of your new posts on the Angelina Jolie board. Angelina should really get a restraining order against you before you try to hurt her. You're obviously mentally unstable. You should seek professional help. You lack any kind of education. You're clearly unemployed and you spend all your time obsessing over Angelina Jolie. It's unhealthy. Don't bother me again. I've already reported you as a troll and a stalker.
shareYou got it right, Gypsy12. The obnoxious benelli86 is indeed one hell of a stupid troll. He always accuses people of doing and being what he does and is himself. He makes lots of claims he's unable to back up with solid evidence. It's best to take everything he says with a huge grain of salt and dismiss it.
shareI absolutely agree! Black Flag was a totally awesome game, while AC3 was just good, imo, and Unity and Syndicate were nothing more than cliched garbage. I simply don't understand people who can rate this games higher than Black Flag (and Rogue). The only reason while some can rate Unity higher is if he prefers the detailed open-world to anything else in games.
And the naval missions in Black Flag was the real lifebuoy for the series which stuck in its own game mechanic. They were spectacular and engrossing.
Nolan, I love you forever!share