Is the curse broken?

At the time of writing the movie has a 9.1 score gathered from 708 user ratings. Is it safe to assume that it'll probably land somewhere between 7.5 and 8.5 and therefore have broken the video game-movie curse? A movie's score after the first 500 ratings usually point to which end of the spectrum the movie will end up after the wide release.


I haven't seen it, but I truly think it has. Loomer's comments regarding the movie are quite good, and that guy is super critical of anything even remotely bad or disrespectful of the Assassin's Creed universe.


Just about anyone that has seen it already (which are very few to begin with) are not going to rate it on IMDb. These ratings so far are virtually all fake. Look at Godzilla (2014), at one point it had a 9.4 on IMDb just before its release. Now it's below a 7. These ratings don't spell success or disaster yet, it's just excited fans.


Pokemon live action movie will break the curse.

This... No.


There's no telling if the final rating would be somewhere between 7.5 and 8.5. BvS started off in 9.7 and look where it's at now. Nobody should EVER trust early twitter reviews. They are full of fanboy schlock, and they give no indication of the reception of the movie when it's out.


You've got to be kidding me. You do know that early reviews for any movie with a preexisting fanbase on IMDb is always positive, right? Plus, there are only about 700 votes right now and the movie hasn't even opened yet, that's hardly enough votes on there to even consider that rating to be liable. Even if the IMDb rating settles at above 7, that also doesn't mean that the curse is broken either, Warcraft right now is rated at 7.1 on IMDb but the critics still hate it (some even calling it the worst movie of the year). The curse will only ever be broken when someone makes a video game movie that works for and is liked by movie critics, fans, and general audiences.

Now stop putting too much stock in that early rating because early ratings on IMDb are never accurate. We'll see when the movie actually opens next week, okay?


Why would someone rate a movie before they even see it? Here's a novel concept: WATCH THE MOVIE FIRST!
