An Honest Review From a Long Time Fan (Spoilers)
I have never wrote a review for a movie before, but I felt compelled to give this one a proper review. I've waited months for the movie, excited that Assassin's Creed was coming to life. Let me start with this, it gives hope for future films to be better, that the video game curse for movies might end here. This movie was good, it wasn't perfect, perhaps if I have not seen Fantastic Beasts and Rogue One before it, I would have rated it higher. So I was judging it on films already released this year. If it had come out around let downs like Suicide Squad (Not as terrible as the critics say, but still bad), or Cap America: Civil War, perhaps it would be rated higher. I guess this was just a bad time to release the movie. So I'll start with that, the date, coming right after a Star Wars movie is always a bad idea. Or a Marvel movie, or DC movie in any case. Now let's continue on to the actual movie.
Movie Highlights: The film felt like an Assassin's Creed video game whenever you were watching things in the past. The fighting felt like an Assassin's Creed video game, running across the rooftops, the action. The costumes were done brilliantly as well. They did a good job at explaining the history of the war between the Assassin's and Templar's. Watching the Assassin's dive off of building's was also pretty cool as well. The chase scenes felt like you were watching the game on screen.
Best Actors: Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, Jeremy Irons and Michael Kenneth Williams all stood out in the film.
Now on to the disappointments.
Time Length: The movie ran for two hours and thirty-five minutes according to IMDBS webpage. Most if it was done in modern day setting, which I didn't like. We don't play Assassin's Creed games for the modern day setting. The next film should have more of the story set in the past, or completely set in the past and not have any modern day setting at all. The modern day story along with the past story being told at the same time, made the film pretty confusing at times...If they made the modern day story separate from the past story, I would be okay with that. Make one movie all in the present, another all in the past. I think it would make thing's very less confusing that way.
The Animus: Probably the biggest disappointment besides the story, was the use of the animus. I hated how they changed to make Cal look like he was learning the moves as he was in the past. While they kept going back and fourth from the past to the the present day animus. You don't move while your in the animus, everyone knows that. You sit in a chair, I get that it was changed to make it look more fancy for the movie. But it was confusing at times when they kept switching between the two. The Templar's can also talk to you while your in the animus, none of that was nowhere to be found in the film.
Eagle Vision: Not in the film at all...I was at least expecting them to use it once. But it wasn't even mentioned, just a random eagle used way too much to change the scene.
Ancient Ruins: Part of the game which it makes it great, is unlocking new armor, searching through ancient ruins finding treasures...None of this was in the film. To be fair, if it was the film would have ran even longer than IMDB had it. This is one reason why I want the future films to have the modern day setting separated from the past setting. So it include things like this.
Side Characters are pretty useless: Apart from Michael Kenneth Williams character, I really didn't care what happened to any of the non main characters. I don't know what is about films as of late that have side characters that no one cares about...Rogue One, Suicide Squad, example, you don't really care much about the side characters.
Story: The story was told poorly...It would have been confusing to know what was going on if you'd never played the game before. Which is okay, I think only die hard fans will see this movie...It was still however confusing. The ending was confusing, suddenly he was standing there talking to a bunch of holograms. Was one of them supposed to be Ezio? I couldn't tell. But it goes from one scene with Christopher Columbus, the next, to that. It gets pretty hard to follow at the end there. It's one of those movies you'll have to watch again to make more sense of it. Again, I feel like this would have been all better explained if the past was a different film than the present.
Subtitles: The animus is supposed to make people speak in English, so we're not reading subtitles all of the time. The entire time the film was in the past, we were reading subtitles. It also became very annoying at times, especially if your watching the film in 3d, you miss parts. I don't mind the occasional Spanish here and there, that's how the games were...But all the time, was annoying.
To recap, I thought the film had its high moments but plenty of low moments as well. The worst being the animus, probably the second after that, was the story telling itself. The best part of the film was the action, Aguilar do some brutal kills. As stated many times previously, this film would have been better if all set in the past..And not in the future at all. Or just have future films have them set all in the past, or all present day. You can't have both for a movie, the movie is too short, and it makes things too confusing about what's going on. All and all, if your a fan of the game series, you will probably like this movie. If you have never played the game before, you won't like it, will be confused about what's going on. In any case, I recommend this film to fans of the game, and if you really like complicated plots to a movie, to anyone else who would like to go see it.
That's all...Thanks for reading. Hope this gave some good insight on what the movie was actually like. I kept it honest, not raving about from a fanboy's preview...But honest. That's what I thought, I hope you go out and enjoy it now.
Special Effects: 10/10
Storyline Telling: 4/10
Acting: 9/10
Costume Design: 10/10
Characters: 7/10
Overall: 6.8/10