Will this hurt Fassbender's career?
Or will he just take this as a small misstep?
shareMaybe. He has too many flops these two years.
shareNot only he has many flops, but he was also involved in production of this and he's the main guy responsible for the outcome (spending most of the movie in the present was allegedly his idea). It will definitelly hurt him, question is how much.
shareLets see how the new Alien movie goes. But he is a high calibre actor and not a regular joe, so he can bounce back, even if his fantasy genre films keep on flopping.
Only this? He has had streak of flops over the last two years sans X-Men (Slow West, Macbeth, Light Between Ocean for e.g). Acting abilities does not simply fly these days. Smart movie choices are needed as well.
Same can be said for Marion Cotillard (who funnily costarred with him in Macbeth as well).
One day in the year of the fox came a time remembered well...
I'd rather see them both in quality but commercially unsuccessful films than in some money grabs aka Marvel/StarWars movies.
Nolan, I love you forever!share
I don't think that these kind of "movies" are relevant at all. He's already proven himself to be a good actor. He was in real films like Hunger or Shame, so these crappy blockbusters like Assassin's Creed or X-Men or *beep* don't mean much for his portfolio. It's just an easy paycheck.
shareBut he also produced AC. That gives him much more responsibility regarding this production from the script, casting, and general production. He can't claim he just showed up to work and did what the boss told him to do. He is the boss.
shareHe said he took on this project because he wanted to know the works from the ground up. For him it was a learning experience. Would be egotistic of him to barge in their barking orders to people who know the specific areas of making a movie that he wanted to learn. Even venteren actors listen to their directors instruction. I think he will learn from this and get better if he wants to produce and act.
shareThen both you and Fassbender need to stop and look up what being a producer entails. If you want to learn more about the business you shadow or follow people. Ben Affleck said he did that with Fincher with Gone Girl in regards to directing. Being producer means that you take on the responsibility of running the show. Yes, you don't tell the sound person how to do their jobs but you are still their boss and need communicate what you want and make sure they give you the product you ask for, not leave it up to them. Same as building a house. You may not know how to put in plumbing, but you are just going to sit there when you see they are not providing things you specifically asked for to be installed? Weak.
That advice is wasted on me since I will never produce but how do you know MF hadn't done that. Shadow directors, producers, production workers in most of his movies. Can't expect a goldmine on a franchise based on a popular game the first time round. Difficult field as it is. Lord I remember being on LOTR board. Constant arguing/reasoning with book puritans, new fans and those who just wanted to enjoy the moment.
shareOkay, then if he did shadow people than he didn't learn a darn thing considering this turd he produced. Sad either way.
As for the first time around nonsense you wrote, people don't spend $125+ million for flop of the year status. This is not some indie experimental or art house flick. Delusional.
Weak, delusional?.....was it your money he spent to produce the movie? Why so angry?
sharereal films like Hunger or Shamein 2008 and 20011.
crappy blockbusters like Assassin's Creed or X-Men
First of all I don't see how people are calling this a flop when it only came out today in the UK! Secondly Michael is one of the most sort after A-listers in Hollywood right now so I doubt this will damage his career. His movies are not flops :-l
It won't hurt his career, moreover, directing is the next step for him.
Nolan, I love you forever!share