MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Going to sweep the Razzies!

Going to sweep the Razzies!

To say Assassin's Creed is the worst movie I've seen this year would be unfair - I think it might be the worst movie I've seen in my life. Granted, I don't play the game but I loved Warcraft, loved Silent Hill and the trailer for this made me think I would love it.
I went with 5 people one of whom was a 16 year old boy. Afterwards, he said how "boring it was" - an adult found it "confusing" and another said "I was trying to sleep but it was so loud."
I'm not sure I even understand what was going on at the level of plot - what did Fassbender mean when he said "you know what you must do" to Cotillard and she answers that she doesn't have the strength.
At first, I thought it might be that this movie hinged on some knowledge of the game itself unlike Warcraft but I think it was the way the actors played it like they were in some Oscar bait drama - Charlotte Rampling and Jeremy Irons cracked me up with every line. It's such and bad film that it's incomprehensibly bad: After watching it, I just laughed for about ten minutes at how awful it was. People were complaining about the film as we left - Trust me unless you are an uber-fan of the game, wait for Netflix so you can get out: the entire time I was eyeing the aisle wondering how I could get out and escape - the Animus has nothing on this godawful, painful film! I wasn't expecting anything great but it was worse than I could imagine a film could be - it's that bad.


It's not going to sweep the Razzies, because it had the good fortune to come out the same year as BvS and Suicide Squad.

Please don't call someone a _____tard.


I agree


yes BvS was bad. Suicide squad was at least watchable.


Compared to Assassin's Creed, BvS and Suicide Squad are great films.

"It's only 56 months till I retire, then I get outta this shіthole for good" - Steve Billings


It's the worst film I've seen this year, too. And the best film I've seen this year. It's January 3rd.

Hit me up on Twitter @alexanderfalzon and read my reviews at




agree 100% ... had exact same experience with my boys at movie. they hated it.

Movie crowd was like wtf was that....


What a pile of dreck. I'm not a player of the game, maybe if I was it would have made more sense to me. The plot was not very easy to follow, if there was one. Certain scenes were disjointed, I.e., when he was surrounded by Templar forces once he'd recovered the apple and jumped off a bridge of incredible height., the scene abruptly changed to the animus. How did he and the apple survive the jump from such height? No explanation., and there were others scenes with similar outcomes.

Dialog lacked as much continuity as the story. Lines, such as "you know what you must do" without context or explanation, dialog spoken softly with soundtrack or background sound effects making it impossible to hear.

Who edited this film, Stevie a Wonder and Helen Keller?

I couldn't wait for it to end and speaking of the ending it was as bad as the rest of the movie.

My advice to the makers of this movie? Don't waste your time with the implied sequel, save the money.


Certain scenes were disjointed, I.e., when he was surrounded by Templar forces once he'd recovered the apple and jumped off a bridge of incredible height., the scene abruptly changed to the animus. How did he and the apple survive the jump from such height? No explanation.

For me that was actually the only really awesome scene in the movie; I got chills, it felt so epic!

The way Aguilar survives, is that he jumps into water, but throws a dagger (or something) into it first, to break the water tension. It's so fast, though, it's blink and you missed it.

There was a similar scene in the movie earlier, where Aguilar jumps from very high, but Callum goes into shock, so the audience doesn't see how it plays out in the past. The point is that the action is so drastic that it disrupts Callum's synchronisation, which is why it's such a big deal that he makes the jump later on.

In the games the Leap of Faith is a huge gameplay element, where the character usually lands in haystacks or similar things after jumping from tall buildings. It's also part of the Assassins' initiation. I will fully admit, however, that they did a *beep* job with conveying it's meaning in the movie.

"We're a team, Garrus. There's no Shepard without Vakarian."


Ok..i enjoyed most of Sly Stallone movies that swept the razies so im ok with it :D
