Going to sweep the Razzies!
To say Assassin's Creed is the worst movie I've seen this year would be unfair - I think it might be the worst movie I've seen in my life. Granted, I don't play the game but I loved Warcraft, loved Silent Hill and the trailer for this made me think I would love it.
I went with 5 people one of whom was a 16 year old boy. Afterwards, he said how "boring it was" - an adult found it "confusing" and another said "I was trying to sleep but it was so loud."
I'm not sure I even understand what was going on at the level of plot - what did Fassbender mean when he said "you know what you must do" to Cotillard and she answers that she doesn't have the strength.
At first, I thought it might be that this movie hinged on some knowledge of the game itself unlike Warcraft but I think it was the way the actors played it like they were in some Oscar bait drama - Charlotte Rampling and Jeremy Irons cracked me up with every line. It's such and bad film that it's incomprehensibly bad: After watching it, I just laughed for about ten minutes at how awful it was. People were complaining about the film as we left - Trust me unless you are an uber-fan of the game, wait for Netflix so you can get out: the entire time I was eyeing the aisle wondering how I could get out and escape - the Animus has nothing on this godawful, painful film! I wasn't expecting anything great but it was worse than I could imagine a film could be - it's that bad.