Found this film to be very weird
Is the game as weird as this movie, I have never played it so I do not know, however I found the entire film to be weird, here are my top three points below:
1. Eliminating violence-Is that real possible with the mystic device, Apple of
Eden, I also found it ironic that the people wanting to eliminate violence
were the most violent people in the film.
2. The Animus Device- You know the device that was attached to Cal to allow him
to go back in time. I know they tried to make it look cool, however was he
running in place or in circles when he was attached to it? In addition, what
was he jumping on to when he was using parkour? That was a somewhat empty
room. I think they should have borrowed the Banta Tank from Rogue One and
called it something else, I think it would have been more effective, I found
those scenes very weird.
3. The ending-Ok, Rikken is giving a speech in the middle of a Hall
surrounded by other Templers and nobody saw Assassin Cal come up from behind
and kill him? Really nobody saw him slit his throat in front of a million
witnesses? I thought Cal and his Assassins would have been more discreet
than that. I thought the whole point of being an assassin was to
not let anyone know that you are around as you kill your target.
All in all I found the film to be very weird, these are my top three, if you have any other bizarre moments, please feel free to comment.