more animus time!

I think that maybe had this move been 60% or 70% in-animus story, the weak plot would have mattered less. We would have got to see more about Aguilar and the assassins' usual stunts in Old Time Spain, stunts that were the reason we came to watch the movie in the first place.

i'm tired of people telling me not to take the movie so seriously so don't do it


Except that the main storyline is, just like in games, set in present day and not the past. Too bad none of you get that. In first 5-6 games we have one main present day protagonist and 4 protagonists in past (including ezio three times). Which one is more important?


I played the game mostly for the present day story line, especially after AC: BH



No one plays the games for the present time sections, and frankly the precursor storyline was terrible.
Even during the action scenes in the movie they kept on interrupting the action to show what the Animus is doing, which went from a comfy bed to this contraption.


a few players do, the kiddies stick with skipping all the story content and just go straight to the action



No, they got it just right. It was a daring move to reverse the games' polarity but it worked imo. The plot was good enough.
