My niece is into these games big time and I knew almost nothing about them, but I promised to take her to see this movie. I have to say though, I was pleasantly surprised by the story. So much more than doing parkour and being stealthy while stabbing people like I thought. As she explained more of the back story with the First Civilization to me on the way home I kinda wished this made more money so we could see a sequel. Maybe China will determine that.
Well, as I've mentioned in a couple of other threads, this film was actually primarily funded by Ubisoft, rather than Hollywood. Since Ubi makes SO MUCH money from their games (we're talking billions of dollars in revenue a year), another $125 million for a sequel is very affordable, so both of the sequels (which have already entered pre-production) are basically guaranteed. :)
I almost didn't go after how BADLY critics tore it to pieces, and came out positively surprised! It wasn't anything to write home about, but i liked it and had fun watching it. I admit i barely played the games, maybe the first one for a few hours, so probably true fans will find a lot more to hate than me but, as a "casual" moviegoer, i liked it a lot, plus i actually quite enjoyed the performances (Fassbender alone brings it up a notch, not to mention Cotillard and Irons), and the action scenes ROCKED.
You know, the irony is this is one of the very few video game movies which the gamers pretty much universally love (there are always exceptions, but overall the AC fans have voiced positive feedback). So I know it's a good movie for the fans, but it always makes me happy to hear of a non-diehard fan who liked it too. I've talked to quite a few people like yourself who also enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing! :)
Well, i think it had to do, even if i knew more or less what the deal with AC's story was and how it's the Animus and DNA memory and all that, with the fact that it didn't constantly try to hit me over the head with the fact that it was a Video Game movie. Many movies like to sort of wink at the gamers and show game-like stuff when, really, that's precisely what we DON'T want. (Kind of like how Hulk suddenly went in and out of panels, WTF?) Plus it had fantastic production values to back this up. If i didnt know, i might not even realize it's based off a game.
You're absolutely right, we want a film that's as good and serious as any non-video game film. And I know a few people who actually had no idea it was a video game film!
I enjoyed it as well. The acting was a strong point, and imo the delicate balance between ?respecting the established universe? and ?straying far enough from the games to make a movie that looks like it had its own substance? was handled well. Just wish they had kept the blood effects during the fights.
I went in expecting a good movie, and the movie I was horrified to discover the movie was a slow drudgery of filmmaking. Appalling, apart from a few decent action sequences.
The CGI underlined the poor quality, it was worse than in game sequences at time. There is no excuse for that.
I liked it too. Thought the action was well choreographed and Michael Fassbender did a fantastic job with the role.
Trying to create a channel based on interpreting, reviewing, and even giving you something to laugh about film. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.