Was it just me
Or does this film have one of the best chase scenes in a film ever? Seriously that chase in 16th century Spain was *beep* jaw dropping it was so well filmed and choreographed and it might have been the most exited I've been during a action scene in a film. I thought as a Assassin's Creed Fan for 7 years now they absolutely nailed it except for plot holes and lack of character delvepmontor backstory I found it visually stunning and the action jaw dropping and mostly really entertaining. I don't want a sequel though because I think it's good as a companion piece to the games even though it tried to set up it's own story and mythology but I would like to see the character of Callam Lynch apeer in the next game because I think he was awesome and I'd definitely like to know more about his backstory which a lack of in the film was one of my problems with it and while I definitely don't think this is a great film I do think it's good and along with Need For Speed the best video game film yet