MovieChat Forums > Hours (2013) Discussion > Really enjoyed this

Really enjoyed this

It wasn't one of those movies where you see a bunch of trailers and it gets massive hype like most movies nowadays, the story was what really kept me holding onto the movie, it wasn't your same punch, drive, and shoot kind of movie. It wasn't perfect, the ending was cheesy but beautiful. It was exciting in a few parts, I just wish they used the battery effectively. They could have used it to be more exciting and add more thrill to the movie. Paul Walker did a pretty good as someone who was emotionally broken. R.I.P Mr. Walker, you're an actor I will not forget.


I really enjoyed it, too. Paul did very well with the emotional scenes. It's sad that he won't get to show off the dramatic skills anymore. :-(

He was clearly an action star but this movie really shows he had range.

