MovieChat Forums > Hours (2013) Discussion > Gonna be a lot of right wing hate for th...

Gonna be a lot of right wing hate for this movie

Any reminder of Bush failure is going to get attacked.


I think right now Obama's failures are more front and center. Besides, Katrina was FAR more than about Bush in regards to failure despite what the mainstream media taught you.


LOL. Your sentences are funny contradictions.


If anything, the FEDERAL RESPONSE has gotten worse. Compare the Federal response to Katrina vs the federal response to Sandy.

What caused Katrina to be a nightmare was largely a product of the local and state liberals.

But, like you said, it's one thing to endure a natural disaster and another to endure a PLANNED DISASTER like Obamacare.


I would expect some left-wing hate too, specifically from camps that are preoccupied with diversity. It's one thing with white male dominance on the SNL cast, but to make a film about hurricane Katrina (set in New Orleans where 2/3 of the population is black) with only two black people on the main cast must be some kind of record.


What doesn't the right-wing hate? So far, since the tea baggers have shown their true colors, we've learned that:

1.) women are subhumans who belong in the kitchen
2.) rape is legitimate
3.) woman have no say whatsoever in regards to their own bodies
4.) gays and lesbians belong in electrified fences separated from each other
5.) more guns is the solution to everyone shooting each other
6.) Sarah Palin is literally dumber than a piece of *beep*
7.) the absolutely absurd and ludicrous idea of a god is reality to these halfwits

It should be of no surprise to anyone when one of these nutjobs goes ballistic every time someone calls them out on any of their outlandish BS.

High Their!


I think we've found MSNBC's plant in the Imdb boards. Way to blow your cover.


Yeah that Democrat governor, or the Democrat mayor(who is under federal indictment for corruption) had absolutely no fault in the situation. Nor was it the fault of all the future Obama voters who expected the gubmint to save them only to find out that Noah's ark was a myth.


will all of you just shut up


Paul Walker just died so I dont think there will be.


Then this would be a distraction from Obamacare, Benghazi and everything else to focus on Dubya again would be the anticipation, but with Walker's death, it may interfere with any interest in this film.

That would be a shame.

As it is, when was the last time you saw a movie the so-called 'right wing' could embrace?


the token anti Right post is up and running.

And My Movie Reviews
