MovieChat Forums > Air (2015) Discussion > Wool ripoff? or the other way 'round?

Wool ripoff? or the other way 'round?

Air sounds like it could be based on the Wool series by Hugh Howey. Wool was written in 2011. Shift, the follow up to Wool, was published last year, and it sounds similar to Air.


Yeah those one word titles DO sound alike don't they.

By the way I know it doesn't go over too well in print so if you didn't realize,that was sarcasm.

Lucca Brasi sleeps with the fishes!!!


yeah i noticed that too. will be interesting to see the differences/similarities in what they end up doing with it...


Reports from 2012 said a "Wool" movie is in development,
with Ridley Scott and Steve Zaillian producing and J. Blakeson to direct.

For reference, here is the earliest related report from 2012:
· -self-published.html

Other reports, mostly from 2012:
· an

Sorry, I'm not having much luck finding recent reports on the
project's current status. You can try searching around to
see if you can find any recent news.

Here is the IMDb board for the "Wool" movie:




Some reviews of the "Wool" book series have mentioned possible similarities to some elements of the "Fallout" games.

(I haven't read the books and I haven't played Fallout, so I don't have an opinion on this.)

Last year, on a Reddit session with Wool author Hugh Howey, someone asked about Fallout. Howey replied that he had played the games, "especially the originals."

He added: "I didn't put the connection together until someone from the BBC brought it up. I'm sure they influenced me."

Source: (first reply here, by Howey)
· e_selfpublished/c8uu9og


I read the first book and was disappointed. When I saw the movie clip I thought wow that's Wool. As for Fallout series, it originally came out in 90s as Wastelands and was shifted around from ECA to EA then to its current home Bethesda entertainment. The original crew that made the game got back together and redid Wastelands and released a similar game back in the series (which I preordered and played) Anyways, in a nut shell the likeness is people are forced out of a Vault do to food, water, oxygen or damaged during the great war which people fled into the Vaults originally to escape doomsday. I've also read a book called Air and its a zombie book. So I was curious if Kirkman would stay to what he has been successful with thus far.


Wasteland came out in 1987 and though is a spiritual predecessor to Fallout, they are not part of the same series. Wasteland 2 came out in 2014.


The four most ridiculous threads on any movie's board (and almost every film has at least two of them):

1. Worst movie ever
2. This was stupid and boring
3. Are there boobies?
4. OMG this is a total rip-off of... (or) I liked this better when it was called...(insert movie or book with one similar characteristic)

This last one is particularly fascinating, because quite often.
a) the OP has usually never seen the film in question, as in this case
b) the film/book they reference is often derivative of something even older, and/or
c) sometimes the film they're calling a ripoff actually gives writing credit to the thing it's supposed to be ripping off.

This thread is a rip-off of the thread in (insert random movie name here) board.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


The four most annoying threads on any movie's discussion (and almost every film has at least two of them):

1. This was stupid and boring
2. Worst movie ever
3. Are there boobs?
4. OMG this is a total rip-off of... (or) I liked this better when it was called...(insert movie or book with one similar characteristic)

This last one is particularly fascinating, because quite often.
a) the OP has usually never seen the film in question, as in this case
b) the film/book they reference is often derivative of something even older, and/or
c) sometimes the film they're calling a ripoff actually gives writing credit to the thing it's supposed to be ripping off.

This post is a rip-off of the post above it.


That was the worst post ever.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


Even worse than the original post that started all this?


The most ridiculous posts in those threads are when people whine that others aren't supposed to use the forum area for this type of discussion.

You were expecting topics that cure cancer and promote world piece? People are quite entitled to state that they thought a movie was stupid, boring, etc, providing they elaborate on WHY they make such a statement.


He didn't say that you couldn't or shouldn't post your post. He implied you were an idiot for doing so.

Apologies to that poster for putting words in his mouth.

"Say yes with your voice, not just your eyes"


This was the worst post ever, just stupid and boring, OMG it was a ripoff and there was absolutely no boobies. I now fart in your general direction. Good Day sir...


This last one is particularly fascinating, because quite often.
a) the OP has usually never seen the film in question, as in this case
b) the film/book they reference is often derivative of something even older, and/or
c) sometimes the film they're calling a ripoff actually gives writing credit to the thing it's supposed to be ripping off.

So why would it be bad to connect the dots to older movies (given from a subjective viewpoint where the poster does not know many dots)? It's precisely these kinds of threads that help movielovers/cinemabuffs to learn more and interest them to search further and watch more and older (often better) movies. To put that together with threads asking if there was nudity is a bizzare association so why do it? Those are not similar examples of negative threads.

I'm not questioning your right to be tired of threads like that but i question your reasons and reasoning.

Ignorance is only a bliss if you haven't reached awareness.
My imdb posts are getting altered.


wool was unreadably bad

fine concept, really poorly written


this was pants


With the exception of both being based in silos (which is an obvious place to store humans, not many things are designed to be nuclear proof) both of these are ripoffs of decades old stories, just about every sci-fi tales series like The Outer Limits or Tales from the Crypt has had a "wake up to go back to sleep" story. Stephen King has one I think.

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov


This type of story was fairly common in the fifties and sixties when the Cold War seemed like it was on the verge of going hot. However variations on the theme still pop up now and again.


I am a Norman Reedus fan, but not of this story or "Wool"(2011). both are boring and repetitive. I have read the "wool" stories and do not understand why he has such devoted fans. They are both a ripoff off the Fallout III(2008)/wasteland video games, as was the movie "Book of Eli"(2010) That movie looked like it used graphics from the game.


having experienced both Wool & Air, no they are not that similar or ripped off each other. They are both just post-apocalyptic stories...
