I am honestly undecided on fracking
Full disclosure: fracking has affected my livelihood in some respects because I live in an area where conventional (non-fracking) natural gas is produced. So with fracking causing gas prices to drop, I've seen economic activity where I live drop because of it.
But, if technology has expanded energy resources, then I think that is good for the overall population, and if the value of my house drops a bit, then so be it. There's more to life than money.
Ive seen Gasland -- and the accusations against fracking are quite damning and serious. But it seemed to be very one-sided and misleading. Why show the drama of somebody igniting his tapwater, if that was actually a known phenomenon that occurred in the area prior to the occurrence of fracking?
I've also seen the gas indsutry's video response Truthland, and it reeks of industry propaganda. So who to believe?
Then I hear that OPEC is funding Promised Land -- it is in their economic self interest to badmouth fracking so that conventional energy resource producers can make increased profits.
Which makes me think--what if the coal industry are the ones who are also funding the anti-fracking movement? It would also be in their interest for them to do so. As Obama pointed out, it's not regulations against coal that has caused their industry to suffer, it's that fracking for natural gas has caused energy prices to drop overall.
The point is, is that energy politics are very interesting. Consider the case of global warming activism. Margaret Thatcher (PM of the UK in the 1980s) actually funded global warming research in order to attack coal. Why would she attack coal? Well, the coal miners' union were major political opponents of her's. Do a Google search on Arthur Scargill to find out about that history.
And France, who is a major exporter of electricity produced by nuclear power plants is 1000% behind the theory of global warming. They stand to benefit from any global warming treaty.
So it would be dishonest for me to be anti-fracking and claim that I care about the environment in my case. I would stand to benefit if a law was passed to ban it's practice.