I was for fracking before I watched Promised Land but now I am against fracking!
Seeing how evil companies like Global Fracking will stop at nothing to accomplish their fracking made me sick to my stomach and also I did not like the lies they told those poor people in the farming village.
I will tell all my friends to stop fracking and you should too!
Thank you Matt Damon and Ben Affleck and the United Arab Emirates for everything that you do!!!
what struck me odd was that a UAE company financed the film.
Really? Seriously?
You find it odd that one of the members of OPEC themselves, finances a Hollywood film that preaches against fracking, which produces the main fuel alternative in today's world to OIL?
Natural gas is the one form of energy that can end the oil OPEC's and United Arab Emirates' control on the energy consuming world. Of course they'll fund a film with an Oscar winning actor to try to turn minds against fracking--and painting a natural gas company as the anti-Christ!
What's more unbelievable is that Hollywood took money from an OPEC country in order to produce a film at all. They take from both hands.
Does no one see the irony here? Hollywood elite are always against environmental polluters like oil and coal.
But then they take money to fund a film that paints the one alternative to imported and domestic oil drilling and coal burning energy plants as the demons in the story!
[Natural gas is the one form of energy that can end the oil OPEC's and United Arab Emirates' control on the energy consuming world. Of course they'll fund a film with an Oscar winning actor to try to turn minds against fracking--and painting a natural gas company as the anti-Christ!]
Ha ha yes and we know who is paying you to propelganditize for fracking -- the fracking companies!
This is not a surprise as the frackers will do anything they can to protect their fracking business -- even send people to attack great movies like The Promised Land on a message board!
You are probably a big executive at a fracking company like you don't have anything better to do!
Fracking is bad! Beware of the frackers!!! I am against fracking now thank you The Promised Land!!!
Are you just trolling or are you serious? Do you really think financing countries who rape and torture women for showing their ankle is better than making some water bad?
"All the donuts have names that sound like prostitutes" -Tom Waits
[Are you just trolling or are you serious? Do you really think financing countries who rape and torture women for showing their ankle is better than making some water bad?]
Ha ha ha you are so funny! Nobody got raped in this movie.
You are another paid Fracking Company employee trying to disguise the truth about fracking!
The OP said he/she was for fracking but this movie convinced him/her to change his/her mind. He/she can't be that bright if a Hollywood script changes his mind. I guess after watching Elf, he/she now believes that Santa really is at the North Pole.
Well, you shouldn't be because if you do a quick Google search of "Promised Land" and "Armstrong County Pennsylvania", you'll see an entire COUNTY full of people who hate Gus Van Sant, Matt Damon and everyone in this movie.
Those people have all had fracking done on their land with no problems. There was one law suit and the person was found to be lying.
The entire county - not one person - an entire county, protested this movie after it was filmed there.
That says something.
Oh, and I don't care about fracking, coal, oil or anything. I do care about naive people though, which you seem to be.