MovieChat Forums > Promised Land (2013) Discussion > Racist film - where were all the blacks ...

Racist film - where were all the blacks and muslims

let me get this straight, matt 'moneybags' damon makes a film with his white firends gets white director to direct no blacks no muslims to bw watched alnly by white people

what a job

matt step into real world issues

this ia multcultural country and media isnt reflcecting it, doesnt speak to black issues

obama is the president


Simple, the Blacks are in the White House running the country, and all the Muslims are out helping famine victims and bringing care packages to the sick.


Not many minorities are found in small farming communities...


That town in real life is 98% white. Hardly any blacks in rural areas outside the south.


tanoy - Better question... why are there no real people depicted in this film? Because it's a film... an art form, so they can do as they wish and add only the colors they wish.

Do you call paintings lacking the color black racist, too?

Is it a racist film if only black people are in it and no white people? Is it racist if only Asians are in it, and no other race? Keep going with that...

Is it a racist film if the writers, crew, director, make-up, wardrobe and set designers are of varied races while the story only calls for one race?

Are you getting my point? There is NO ENTITLEMENT for any race to be included in any one piece of creative art. Your perspective reeks of entitlement.

The racist card got used too often and to manipulate unfairly, so now the "charge" of being called, "racist" is watered-down. That is the effect your OP has, IMO. You just gave everyone practice ignoring the word, "racist." Perhaps you should decide what effect you wish you have.

Those of us whom care about equal rights, ethnic diversity and fair practices, would appreciate it if you stopped and had a "think" before you post.

Debate my points. Challenge my perspective. Prove me wrong. Only, do it with a smile.[cooldance]


bevause of where it's filmed. Not the films fault that town is mainly white.


Next time I watch a movie with Denzel Washington Ill call him a racist, because he yet again plays a black man.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


typical white troll


That settles it. Matt Damon is a racist and an Islamaphobe.
